
SAT., APR. 4, 1987, 5:57 AM

Are you open to words from Me this morning, o son? The sun is barely “up”, and the room is cold, but you heeded My call and shall accomplish this before the other responsibilities and opportunities of this day. Being here doesn’t guarantee openness, but, given the conditions, the chances are good.

Of prime importance is openness to Me and My suggestions about life and every day living. Only occasionally do I force persons to hear Me… to take what I say as more than suggestions. But where there is openness I have much to say. You hear, and you write. Others just know what I want without direct words. To you I offer words, but this is a slow, rather crude process. You have some ability (that a few have in abundance) of perceiving My thoughts without direct words. Some of these acknowledge Me, the Christ Spirit, sometimes yet as Jesus. Others do not, but they benefit nevertheless.

Since you are here in the earth you have many opportunities for human/spiritual interaction. This is most productive… and evidences the fullest health… when you are open to these interactions and to the ideas, perceptions, and values of others. Even though you hold a particular value and even attribute it to learning from Me you should be open to different, even competing values. For a value becomes more firm and more useful when it is challenged by another… rather than being held in isolation, comfortably unopposed. You have been open to new paradigms of research, ones more potentially usable in learning about spiritual health. You must be open to the criticisms of these ideas, even as these seem self-serving and narrow. This helps you to avoid the narrowness that you perceive in some of the critics.

Show an openness to the earth itself… to what can be called nature. Be open to seeing and feeling relationships with grass, trees, creatures, buildings, total environments. You mused yesterday about life as it might have been in Hawaii rather than here. One consideration to which you were not open was the importance of this Farm to your life. This is not a chance nor an unimportant part of the life of Bob Russell. Be ever open to what you can learn from the nature that makes up this place.

Be open to the value involved in musing or daydreaming. You can have “simulated” out of body experiences in this way, using your God-given imagination to create experiences from which learning can arise. There is a direct connection, through spirit, between concrete, verifiable reality and reality that is created by the mind and spirit. You don’t know much or care much about “thought forms”, but this is simply a term for created reality. These can be harmful and limiting, but they also can enriching and freeing. Leza’s experience with Me and sleep was a nice example of this.

There is a certain danger in having an openness to other spirits, for the competition can be strong, here in the earth. Nevertheless, when your hand is in Mine those dangers recede, and there is much to be learned from disembodied spirits. Some spirits want to communicate with you and to offer help with certain life tasks. You are not often open to such help, and this is your loss. Rarely will this come as some mystical voice, but more often as just a leading to some material, to some understanding, by way of some rather “normal” experience. It is just “more fun” to realize that you are being helped by spirits, some of whom you have known earlier in life or in other realms.

SAT., APR. 4, 1987, 5:57 AM

Are you open to words from Me this morning, o son? The sun is barely “up”, and the room is cold, but you heeded My call and shall accomplish this before the other responsibilities and opportunities of this day. Being here doesn’t guarantee openness, but, given the conditions, the chances are good.

Of prime importance is openness to Me and My suggestions about life and every day living. Only occasionally do I force persons to hear Me… to take what I say as more than suggestions. But where there is . . .

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