
WED., MAR. 20, 1985, 5:50 AM

This is another name for life, o son. You have the concept… you know it and you do believe it, but you still let so many opportunities pass by or go unrecognized. Oh, I realize that part of life in the earth is a matter of choosing which opportunities to pursue and, consequently, having to let others go by. I do not want to encourage feelings of guilt, but I do urge a bit more attention to your opportunities.

How many of life’s opportunities originate in Me? Many… and do not waste effort in trying to discern exactly which these are. Just know that I am concerned with your growth, and therefore I arrange, directly and indirectly, opportunities for growth in each day. Some are obvious and active, but you must also realize that some are just opportunities for quiet contemplation and appreciation. Activity has value, certainly, but there also is need for times of quiet and synthesis.

Opportunities for learning certainly abound, and you still are comfortable in being a learner. Realize and accept that some learnings, even important ones, just fade away if there is no active recall or use of the knowledge. So opportunities for relearning are to be appreciated as fully as those for brand new ideas.

Opportunities for service obviously conflict with one another, and choices must be made. Even though you know (because I have told you repeatedly) that you must not fret about opportunities missed if you are engaged in one that is, in itself, worthwhile. However, this does not lessen your responsibility to give much attention to the choice of what to do. Before you have committed yourself to some service you need to weigh carefully the value of one service as against another… and another. Do not be overlong in the process, but do not feel that any service is as good as any other.

But you know, even as you write the truth just proclaimed that I offer an exception. It is a by-product of grace, that irrational, even immoral idea that you are accepted, whatever you have thought, done, and been, as fresh, new, and sinless. It is a gift, and you have to do nothing but accept it. The by-product, then, is that when any activity or service is done FOR ME, then, whatever its nature and its content, it is equal to any other service you could do. And choice then becomes unimportant.

Both ideas are true. In a sense, if you have accepted My grace, then anything you choose to do is for Me, in appreciation. Yet you know that at times you lose the consciousness of this relationship and are thinking in practical, secular, self-focused ways. Then I recommend care in your choice, but secondarily to the admonition to realize what your motivations should be, as one saved to be of service to Me.

You are fretting somewhat over My call for you to complete your first Ruminations of this year by the end of this month. Your service to Koo is more important, but you must do the research in selecting the appropriate Teachings and have these ready. April will be a very busy month, and I do not want you to put either of these opportunities off too long.

WED., MAR. 20, 1985, 5:50 AM

This is another name for life, o son. You have the concept… you know it and you do believe it, but you still let so many opportunities pass by or go unrecognized. Oh, I realize that part of life in the earth is a matter of choosing which opportunities to pursue and, consequently, having to let others go by. I do not want to encourage feelings of guilt, but I do urge a bit more attention to your opportunities.

How many of life’s opportunities originate in Me? Many… and do . . .

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