Opportunities Ahead

THURS., MAY 31, 1990, 6:21 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, Who comes to you as you enter this liturgy, offer you a delicious variety of Teachings. You tend to prefer those that are Scripture based or that apply to some class or activity with which you are involved. Yet given the nature of Our relationship, you should also value these that are quite personal and that give you advice about your daily life. Always remember that a good portion of the New Testament Scripture consists of letters to churches and to individuals… and the chit-chat that went along with the solid advice is also part of Holy Writ. I tell you again – be not concerned about what will finally happen with all of these Teachings. I have a purpose for them that you need not know. Just be faithful in this relationship.

As you look ahead you see much activity, and you know that each one is an opportunity to serve Me or just to be, in the spirit. Still, they seem overwhelming, for a summer that is supposed to be a time of relative rest. The class you just conducted was a good one. You learned some things from reading these finals that should make the next one of these better. You also see value in some of what these learners wrote as an introduction to future classes. For, yes, you were right in requesting that you have this class again after this coming year. I shall advise you about next summer… whether it should be a repeat of this one or another Human/Spiritual Interacting group.

The Rutgers opportunity should not be difficult. I like the revisions in your presentation. Practice it some, but still leave room for spontaneity. Be ready for the seminar discussion, but you need not prepare extensively. Let it flow from your spirit, and We both shall be pleased.

You shall have time on that trip… for Teachings, naturally… and also for letter writing. You have not kept up with that aspect of your “ministry,” so be ready for this opportunity. Prepare for it and use the time to communicate to several who need to hear from you.

The Death Education class comes up soon after your return. You have it organized well, and you are comfortable with the format and the content. It shall be stressful only in the pressure of time to read and return papers. Let it flow from your spirit, and be aware of opportunities to modify activities. I have some ideas I shall share with you as they comes closer.

You should try to get some Teachings off to Al before you leave, but I also want you to choose them with some care. You hear My compromise suggestion. Do it if you can. You see why it is fortunate that you’re not teaching at Synod School this summer. That would have been too much of a stressor. This shall give you a better balanced week.

Writing and finishing opportunities abound. I need not go over these again. They must continue to be part of your professional life. You must give some priority to the publishing of your sabbatical paper. I have been patient, and I know you want it out, also. Work that in, after the next Ruminations.

THURS., MAY 31, 1990, 6:21 AM

I, the Holy Spirit, Who comes to you as you enter this liturgy, offer you a delicious variety of Teachings. You tend to prefer those that are Scripture based or that apply to some class or activity with which you are involved. Yet given the nature of Our relationship, you should also value these that are quite personal and that give you advice about your daily life. Always remember that a good portion of the New Testament Scripture consists of letters to churches and to individuals… and the chit-chat that . . .

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