Order… And Chaos

TUES., JUNE 4, 1985, 5:44

Without order there would be no universe as you know it, no inhabitable earth, and no enjoyable personal life space. Chaos is the apparent enemy of order, but, as you know by now, I shall speak of it as the necessary complement. For order is always part chaos, and the most chaotic scene always includes some order.

Every institution must have a good deal of order if it is to function effectively. And yet if that institution is to involve people and machines there is bound to be some amount of chaos also. Humans can be ordered only so far. Machines malfunction, and then the order they are supposed to maintain fades toward chaos… until order can be restored. The computer is the supreme symbol of orderliness in your culture… and then you read how it is possible to disrupt that order and throw the whole society into chaos. And some individual, with these capabilities and a disdain for the present order could make such happen.

Know that I am the God of supreme order, utter chaos, and every combination betwixt and between. My goal is the encouragement of spiritual growth, and such can occur in times of chaos as well as in times of order. There is nothing inevitable or predictable about spiritual growth, of course. A chaotic situation may be memorable and enriching for one participant, and yet be destructive and devastating for a companion. One grows, and the other regresses.

Directing the learning process usually must proceed from order, but I encourage you to be aware of the value of departing from that order and trying an approach that could result in relative chaos. Remember the procedure used to form groups at the Past Lives conference in Minnesota… the chaos method. Be sure and utilize that a time or several in the summer workshop… as a symbolic alternative to more ordered ways of forming groups. You think… the strong prevail. Yet the weak may be benefitted also. A group of “losers” may be ideal for some particular task.

One of the great drawbacks of order is that it abets the feeling that I am not necessary. Even if I am given some credit for the order that prevails, it is easy to see that the order can “take My place.” Some even attest that, having crated this orderly universe and, in particular, this orderly earth, I have retired from action and am no longer need. Such people may need some experience in disorder, if not chaos, to bring them to a reconsideration of My active sovereignty. And, yes, I do “arrange” such, as part of My contribution to life in the earth.

A good measure of spiritual growth toward maturity is the extent to which you… or anyone…can appreciate Me in the midst of chaos. The most common response is to call upon Me to restore order… or at least help in the process. But what I am more interested in seeing is your capacity to recognize and acknowledge Me as either the instigator of the disorder or a passive participant in the situation. I am not the God just of order, neatness, and pleasantness.

You thank Me when you avoid or escape from some danger, but I don’t hear a comparable greeting when you are in the midst of some chaotic moment. Oh, it’s all right to ask for help, but first just appreciate and acknowledge Me as a participant in the event, the unpleasanter and harder, the better. For I am there, enjoying your growth, even as you cannot.

TUES., JUNE 4, 1985, 5:44

Without order there would be no universe as you know it, no inhabitable earth, and no enjoyable personal life space. Chaos is the apparent enemy of order, but, as you know by now, I shall speak of it as the necessary complement. For order is always part chaos, and the most chaotic scene always includes some order.

Every institution must have a good deal of order if it is to function effectively. And yet if that institution is to involve people and machines there is bound to be some amount of chaos . . .

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