Ordinary Folks

FRI., MAY 13, 1983, 5:52 AM

You are in a sleepy state, o son, which is different from the meditative one. You feel as though your mind is cleared, and it is, relatively, but you are not taking the next important step, which is hearing. I am here, and the Teaching is a good one, but you must get yourself beyond sleep… and then beyond mere awakeness.

Most of the population of the earth would qualify as “ordinary folks”. Each has some characteristics that might be called unique, even outstanding, but, for most, these blend together into a personality and a lifestyle which can be called ordinary.

For some reasons you would like to be out-standing… but you know, from My Teachings and from your own observations, that you are just part of humanity… just one of the ordinary folks. There have to be a few outstanding individuals in every dimension of being – a few intellects, a few charismatic personalities, a few selfless souls – but only a few. Earth life, for most of you, is being an ordinary person among ordinary folks.

Now this is obviously the way I want the earth to be, and so it is proper, o son, to ask why. Yours is one of the few cultures in which it is important to be a unique individual. For most of the earth’s people it is sufficient to be part of a family, a religion, a social group… some means of group identity. (Because this is important, though ordinary, you may complete it later.)

6:40 AM / 1:10 PM

You who have such an emphasis on individual identity have trouble valuing this group identity, but I assure you that it is quite as important as the individual.

Consider My identity. I am Almighty God. I am Jesus, the Christ; I am the Holy Spirit. Am I all three at once, or am I one at some times and the others at others times? (Is there really any time, or is this question ultimately meaningless?) Does it make any difference whether I have a final identity?

Actually there is a purpose in this triuneness, and it relates to this theme – ordinary folks. As Almighty God, or even as God the Father, and as Jesus the Christ I can communicate only with those few true saints in the earth… those who truly and fully have accepted their identity as being part of Me. My essence as Holy Spirit makes it possible to communicate with you ordinary folks. I can help with understanding, and I can help encourage you into growth experiences… growth of spirit. I have many ways of doing this, most of which are less direct that this one. Many people, unfortunately, are just not very open to some of My communications.

Should you want to rise above this “ordinary” designation? (Shouldn’t all souls desire to be out-standing, extraordinary, even “awesome”?) No. There are only a few who should so rise, and you are not one of these. You are to live, work, and relate with basically ordinary people. From this has and will come some marvelous life experiences. Don’t strive to be better. Just be full-time in being yourself, doing what you do or what I give you to do in the best ways you can.

I am here in this earth to help ordinary people. I energize and enliven some ordinary folks so that they can be partners with Me in helping other folks. Most of the good things that happen each day in the earth are the result of interactions of a helping sort among ordinary folks. This is the main thing that “life’s all about”.

FRI., MAY 13, 1983, 5:52 AM

You are in a sleepy state, o son, which is different from the meditative one. You feel as though your mind is cleared, and it is, relatively, but you are not taking the next important step, which is hearing. I am here, and the Teaching is a good one, but you must get yourself beyond sleep… and then beyond mere awakeness.

Most of the population of the earth would qualify as “ordinary folks”. Each has some characteristics that might be called unique, even outstanding, but, for most, these blend together into . . .

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