Ordinary People

TUES., SEPT. 22, 1981, 5:08 AM

You mused yesterday, o son, on the fact that you are not an outstanding person… or, in terms of this morning’s title, that you are fairly ordinary. And, the muse went on, I have selected you, nevertheless. Why would the Holy Spirit of the Lord God select an ordinary rather than an outstanding person to do His will in the earth? I need the right balance, and you provide it… in this place and at this time.

Now, let’s be honest (and We should try to be)… you are a bit above ordinary… in the world. Yet you are never as outstanding as others around you. And sometimes you would like to be outstanding. Savor an occasional moment, but know that this is not your destiny in this life. It is important that you understand this and accept it. I want you to continue to strive for excellence, for recognition, for outstanding performance, but then be accepting of the fact that what you do is rarely better than what some others do. Even in doing My tasks you shall not be an outstanding evangelist. Your writings shall stir a few, but most, including the outstanding folks of the world, shall not be much impressed.

Still… persist in what you do, with the people who do come to you, some of whom I send. Know that the Lord God loves and uses ordinary people.

You discern that the hitchhiking experience is one exercising humility… and also one emphasizing your ordinariness. You stand as one without transportation and you, fairly shamelessly now, present to drivers the accepted sign that you wish a ride. Most pass you by, for a variety of reasons. Finally someone, usually an ordinary person, stops for another one of that sort, and you proceed home. It is humbling. It also is a reminder of your being My creation, but… rather ordinary.

I use a few extraordinary people. I call some, and some turn to Me. Outstanding people have some difficulty with humility, because, if they are honest with themselves, they are not meek and lowly. Some I bring down… to help them learn to feel lowly. Some I just use… long on ability, charisma, and dedication and short on humility and the common touch. But mostly I use rather ordinary people. And I am pleased with this way of functioning.

TUES., SEPT. 22, 1981, 5:08 AM

You mused yesterday, o son, on the fact that you are not an outstanding person… or, in terms of this morning’s title, that you are fairly ordinary. And, the muse went on, I have selected you, nevertheless. Why would the Holy Spirit of the Lord God select an ordinary rather than an outstanding person to do His will in the earth? I need the right balance, and you provide it… in this place and at this time.

Now, let’s be honest (and We should try to be)… you are . . .

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