Other Beings

MAY 27, 1980, 5:26 AM

Well, o son, you do come with eagerness this morning, for you were quite sure last night and earlier this morning that I would have something to say about other beings in the earth. You are a bit apprehensive because this is bound to be another unorthodox teaching, but you are seeking it… and you know that Chris’ experience last night was not just a chance happening.

As you suspect the earth is inhabited by spiritual beings other than human. Most of the time other existences are not even noticed by humans. Part of the test of the earth experience as a human is the loss of sensitivity to other realms and to spirits therein. This is a temporary loss, of course, but it is effective for most.

A few are so highly developed spiritually that they really never lose their sensitivity, and all through life, even as children, they are aware of, sometimes even in contact with, other realms and beings.

This is a relative awareness, not an all-or-none phenomenon. That is, a very few are very sensitive, others partially, and on down to those who have isolated experiences which they do not understand… but do experience.

Other beings are not supposed to “mess with” human life. A rough analogy would be with you and the people across the street. You live in the same neighborhood and you observe some of what they do, but your lives have not touched, as yet. The analogy would be better if this is the way it is supposed to be, rather than just a lack of effort on the part of two human families.

(Now you are in a quandry. You wrote down what you heard and now you’re hearing something contradictory… and I, as the Perfect Teacher, shouldn’t make mistakes. I like your spirit. Just listen. It shall come out as clearly as it should for your understanding.)

Let’s go back and modify that statement to “some of the other beings are not supposed to affect human life”. Existences can be parallel… with no touching at all.

On the other hand there are some spirits who “have permission” or “whose job it is” to affect human lives… individual human lives. Angels do this… both guide and guard. Other spirits can give special guidance and teaching to a human individual, who sometimes is aware of this and sometimes not. This is just a little “allowed” overlapping of different realms of being.

This that I just spoke of was a positive guiding and a guarding. This may be necessary because there are evil spirits who also are “allowed” to function here in the earth. You have had no clear experience with such beings, and perhaps you never will have, but they do exist. There are many experiences you have not had. I realize that the actual experience is what makes for belief, but I simply affirm that spirits that can do harm exist in the earth and affect some lives. This is part of the test for some, surely.

I shall not give detail on Chris’ experience but shall affirm that she did, by chance, happen into a gathering of spirits. Normally they would have paid no attention to her, and their activities could have gone on in parallel. But for some reason some did not want her there… and she is sensitive enough to be aware of that. She did the right thing. It probably will not happen again.

How does this revelation fit in with other teachings? For most humans this is a very peripheral and unimportant aspect of life. The main task still is to discern My Spirit, achieve a relationship, and bring your will into Mine. This all takes place in a physical world of houses, trees, children, jobs, mechanical and electronic things, and… on… The earth is fundamentally a plane of tangible, physical life… an illusion, true, but fundamental to the human state of being. A few of you, however, will encounter other beings. Relate to them as you would other humans. Respect their existence. Relate in as friendly a fashion as possible. If they try to help, accept assistance and profit from it. Do not go seeking such contacts. This is not the human role.

I brought you to this unusual fourth page partly to finish this previous thought and to comment on one other incident of yesterday. You were listening to the tape of David Harris and while you generally liked what you heard you were not overly impressed. But your reaction to the comments of individuals in the audience was a good one, from My perspective. Even though you could have made statements just like some of the most extreme you resist being identified as one of these “weirdos”. It is My desire that you generally remain thus… balanced between these “worlds” and perceptions of reality. Just know that I hear and I watch over your life… and I am pleased that you are not bothered by this.

Obviously you must be careful in sharing this. That which I just stated applies: you should not be known as one with perceptions of reality at too much variance with your profession. That must be an artful balancing.

Remember: other beings are not fundamentally important in human life. This is no “break through” revelation. Acknowledge Me, love Me and My other creations, and live life for others as much as is possible.

So speaketh the Supreme Spirit.

Hallelujah for us!
6:48 AM