Other Paths

THURS., MAY 2, 1991, 5:19 AM

Every now and again you shall encounter other spiritual path, for there are many that differ one from the other. Some shall be close to yours and shall be of interest because of that similarity. In contrast some shall be so different that they seem fascinating because of obvious differences. And, of course, many shall be between the extremes. How should you act in relation to other paths? Hear My advice on this cool, Spring morn.

I want you to be aware of other paths. I want you to know how another path differs from yours, in order that you might be more aware of your own. You know that I am guiding you, so you are not seeking a way. I offer you the spiritual truth you need any time you come (and even when you put Me under time pressure). At other times I call you to hear My Teaching, even at unlikely hours and in unlikely places. These Teachings shall guide you, having the Holy Scriptures and the doctrine of your Church as the solid base.

Some other paths shall be ones of rigidity and sacrifice. They shall have much emphasis on what you must do and what you must believe… with often more emphasis on what you should not do… on sins. Such paths tend to see the earth as a place of terrible temptations. If you succumb you shall burn in hell for eternity. There is one way, and it is a hard one. Few can discipline their lives so that they are worthy. But it is so wonderful to be one of these… one who lives a clean sin-free life by avoiding and rejecting all who do not share their narrow, holy path. This is not attractive to you, but I tell you that it is a legitimate, honored path.

Another, somewhat close to it, is one with more focus on sin. Those on such a path see themselves as sinners, but they are constantly repenting, feeling My forgiveness and rejoicing. Yet they sin again… and again… and repent again and again. This, too, is a path I love.

In contrast, there is a path that rejects Me as a personal God, seeing this earth as just a natural place where happenings are “natural,” even as some seem good and others bad. It is a spiritual path because there is a sense that one must identify right behavior and act accordingly, so that the earth can be a better place to live this rather short existence, with nothing before or after. I love persons on such a path, even as they try valiantly to live in ethical ways, rejecting notions of My possible help.

A path close to yours is one where persons are in touch with other spirits, and they receive advice and solace from spirits beyond the earth. They “channel” and often they write… and they may have insights similar to ones I offer you. I do not advise you to stay away from identification with such paths because they are harmful. I just want you to give full attention to your own. Do not seek to know more of these, even as you can be attentive when one on such a path seeks you out.

There are paths of orthodoxy. There are others of much freedom to be who you are. There are paths of action and contrasting ones of contemplation and solitude. One of the difficulties of your path is that I call you to be active in the world where you are, to serve Me and others, and also to come to Me often in this time of quiet writing and to keep these Teachings in an orderly, usable “form”. In a world of time this can be frustrating, but this is part of your path.

( 6:10 / 6:57 )

THURS., MAY 2, 1991, 5:19 AM

Every now and again you shall encounter other spiritual path, for there are many that differ one from the other. Some shall be close to yours and shall be of interest because of that similarity. In contrast some shall be so different that they seem fascinating because of obvious differences. And, of course, many shall be between the extremes. How should you act in relation to other paths? Hear My advice on this cool, Spring morn.

I want you to be aware of other paths. I want you to know how . . .

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