Other Sources

SUN., JULY 24, 1983, 6:20 AM

You have been involved in some talk of late, o son, that concerns another source of truth – the Urantia book. My answer to your active involvement is the one I have laid wordlessly on your spirit, which is… do not. If that were the direct and only message of this Teaching it would be completed. It is not, for I wish to talk to you about Other Sources, in general.

The Holy Bible is the main source of truth and Truth, and I shall eternally recommend this source first. Next, for you, are these Teachings, which represent interpretations of truth that I share with you, person to person, mind to mind, spirit to spirit. Fundamentally these Sources will be in agreement… though they are addressed to you personally and therefore are not absolutely universal.

The Bible teaches, indirectly, that truth itself cannot always be stated directly and clearly. My Scriptures contain four gospel accounts, which do not agree with one another in detail. I ask you to see this as a better way to understanding truth than having only one, clear, authoritative Gospel that would leave no doubts.

Another consideration… what is vital truth for one soul may be unimportant for another. The Revelation is proclaimed by some Christians as a great source of truth, but you find it difficult to read, and it raises your thought as to “Why does it have to be so complex?” Just know that for some this complexity and obscurity makes the truth exciting and memorable. Do not “knock it” just because it is not a compatible source for you. It may be, at some later time, and it certainly is for some.

I delight in making truth accessible in more ways than you can imagine. This proliferation does not, as perhaps it logically should, make Scriptural Truth of less worth. I don’t care if you really learn a Truth from some non-Scriptural source. I ask only that you eventually recognize and acknowledge its Scriptural form and tell it both ways.

For you, who are relatively open to My communications, there is no source from which some truth might not come. Some are unlikely, but never decide that any source is completely worthless. The Urantia book contains some truth, so continue to listen to discussions of it, and even read portions that may be of value. But you know My overriding message to you: take the time to organize these Teachings of Mine, reread them, and know them well. You have a couple to send to Bill Davis, and at least one to Kerri-Ann and Jeff. This is a source that could be of help to many others, but not unless access is directed by you. That is more important for you than seeking truth in Urantia or Cayce.

SUN., JULY 24, 1983, 6:20 AM

You have been involved in some talk of late, o son, that concerns another source of truth – the Urantia book. My answer to your active involvement is the one I have laid wordlessly on your spirit, which is… do not. If that were the direct and only message of this Teaching it would be completed. It is not, for I wish to talk to you about Other Sources, in general.

The Holy Bible is the main source of truth and Truth, and I shall eternally recommend this source first. Next, for . . .

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