Our Anniversary

MAY 11, 1980, 6:15 AM

The sun has arisen and the morn is here, o son, and you have remembered, with just a bit of mind jogging, that this is the first anniversary of these meditations together. A year ago yesterday you made the commitment, and it was on this date that you first wrote under that commitment… though it was sometime later that I actually took over the pen. Mark that one, too. I like to remember important events.

I liked the symposium yesterday. You put My teachings together rather well, and you enjoyed doing what you did. You did catch yourself worrying about the time… concerned that you would not have sufficient time. You were aware that you were being selfish, and that was an important awareness. You could have been concerned that My teachings would not be properly presented. That was an awareness you didn’t have. That could have made your concern appropriate. Again, My aim is not to be critical, but to help you along the Way.

I was disappointed that you didn’t do Michael’s song. The decision you made, given the time squeeze, was appropriate for the overall presentation. I would have cut some of the earlier songs, but I was letting you do it. I could have “pushed harder” for the song I wanted, but I didn’t. Just know that you can make that up to Me sometime.

You heard, a time or two yesterday, the admonition that “It’s all up to you” (and that was the strong message in Oh, God, as well). How about a comment from Me on that matter of “free will”. Your response and reaction was right. You have the concept pretty well learned. It is, again, that you humans have free will, except… you may be guided by your own karmic memories and… I also have a Will (and Mine can be a mighty one). Generally I want people to bring their wills to Mine willingly… and some lives here in the earth lived by your own will entirely are good, instructive experiences… or can be.

But, ultimately, spiritual growth brings an intertwining of your own will and Mine, so that what is yours and what is Mine become indistinguishable. Also when I am ready and you are, too… and there is some Purpose of Mine that needs fulfilling My will may override yours. I usurp your absolute freedom for a greater good. “Giving up something good for something better” is the theme.

So free will is one of My gifts, but it is manifested more in those of a lesser developed spirit. It is extolled by those whose mind is dominant over the spirit. It is essentially a selfish manifestation… if you are aware of and appreciate My Spirit. I think you will agree that giving up your will to Mine has been a sacrifice well worth any “inconvenience”.

Remember and put into practice Our admonition yesterday to just “tell your story”, and not try to make some holy, inimitable principle out of your experiences. I have an infinite number of ways of working with individuals, some of which I haven’t tried yet. Some are similar to others, but each, finally, is unique. Yet “story-telling” is the mode of expression I like best. Do begin to put this into practice, consciously. Beware, however, of developing a “cannot” story: Let the situation guide. Your introduction of yourself yesterday was a good start… and it obviously stimulated some interest and generated an important story for you to recall and retell. Have less worry about who will be “turned off” and more concern with those who will “identify”. Yes, that is a change that I am guiding.

And, yes, do consider reworking your Man and Her Favorite… presentation with this spiritual message firmly imbedded in it. It is time for some change, and this is the direction I would like. You can begin that work after next weekend.

Hear another reminder about hearing and considering sermons from Duane and Walt. I do want you to learn in ways other than this. This is excellent, but not absolutely sufficient.

Time is unimportant to Me, but remembrances are. You are well started on your study career with Me. Continue. Learn. Apply. Be… with a happy, thankful heart.

Hallelujah on an important Sunday.
7:10 AM