Our Relationship Continues

FRI., DEC. 20, 1996, 2:42 PM

Worry was yours to experience this morning… concern for your vehicles as the temperature dipped downward. You hadn’t paid much attention to the anti-freeze level, and you know that trouble is possible, even inevitable, as the insufficient coolant lets the freeze take place. You prayed for My help, even as you know, as I have told you repeatedly, I seldom do miracles of this sort… and do I get requests galore, for every action or counteraction you can imagine. I appreciated the prayers… and the responses as the motors started and seemed normal. You haven’t tried the station wagon yet, so I’ll hear a few more prayers, I’m sure.

A pledge of an afternoon Teaching today… even if My “miracles” were not evident, and here you are, as per your promise. Am I still playing our earlier “fears” game, or am I just appreciating this opportunity to offer you some “education”? It really doesn’t matter, now does it?! You still haven’t found your glasses, and this will warrant more prayers, I trust. It will be helpful if you find them.

Our relationship, in this overt pattern of your writing down Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, is now about 17 ½ years in being… and continuing. As I have told you, fairly often, you are not a human, or even a Christian, of much import… which confirms that you didn’t “earn” this election. There are many who pray for such guidance and personal relationship with Me, but few get the attention I give you. I am available anytime you are, and I offer you knowledge and advice in this format that We’ve developed. You are not chosen as a prophet of events to come. You are just a privileged learner.

Now, if I’ve selected you for this, and I seem to classify it as an “honor”, don’t I now require much of you. One of my good Scriptures says that “of him to whom much is given, from him will much be required”… or something like that. Just know that I am not an “Indian giver”, as you understood that derogatory term as a child. If Our relationship should not continue, it will be because you let it slip away. And that would be no great catastrophe, but it would generate some negative karma that you would then have to deal with in some way, as your life continues.

In contrast, your coming to Me, with some regularity, is generating positive karma, and you come closer to what can be called “enlightenment”. (3:17 / 4:09) I am helping you understand life in the spiritual sense… the eternal, everlasting mode. Finally you will see that spirit is what life is “all about”, but that spirit has an incredible number and array of manifestations. This earth is “bubbling” with spirit, but cultures like yours seem to overlay spirit with material issues, political “races”, and economic struggles.

Spirit can come forth from conditions of poverty… but also from every other gradation up to great riches. Some who are rich “deserve” such, because of karmic experiences… as do some who are dirt poor.

In Our relationship I have told you that I will provide for you in a minimal way. You shall not be rich by the standards of your culture, but you shall have all you need, and more to lend and give away. You still are not as certain of this as you should be, but your basic attitude toward “success in life” is a good one, and Lenore is right with you.

You don’t have to stay with this relationship, but you will. You still feel too much discomfort in this circumstance and remain, basically, what I’d call a “closet mystic”. Oh, I knew this wouldn’t be easy for you, but it is the path that you should be on… part of the plan for your life (this latter part) that We sketched out before your coming in as Bob Russell.

I am not “attached” to you, and you needn’t be to Me. Don’t be attached to life (and, actually, you’ll live longer than with morbid concern to maintain it), but appreciate each day, each year… each moment.

FRI., DEC. 20, 1996, 2:42 PM

Worry was yours to experience this morning… concern for your vehicles as the temperature dipped downward. You hadn’t paid much attention to the anti-freeze level, and you know that trouble is possible, even inevitable, as the insufficient coolant lets the freeze take place. You prayed for My help, even as you know, as I have told you repeatedly, I seldom do miracles of this sort… and do I get requests galore, for every action or counteraction you can imagine. I appreciated the prayers… and the responses as the . . .

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