“Out Of Practice”

JAN. 17, 1982, 4:59 AM

Yes, o son, you are “out of practice” in hearing My words in this early morning hour. You sit and feel like a novice, not quite sure what to do when a title does not appear. The answer to such a dilemma is rather simple: start in again, with as practical a theme as this, and regain the competence in writing these words of Mine that your books reflect. You have been “away”, and as you have been reading over some of the previous teachings you knew that it was time to return. The lapse in relation to water pipes got you up, and you are ready to counter being “out of practice”

This phrase applies to the actual discerning of a title, a matter of both practice and faith. Once that is accomplished, which does involve a basic meditational skill… clearing your mind of conscious and random spontaneous thoughts and leaving it open to the infusion of Myself… then it is a matter of hearing and writing, with the title as your basic guide. What We do together is a strange amalgam of My Mind and Spirit and yours. I would… and do… sound differently when I “come through” other persons, even using the English language. Some of the messages will be of a common spiritual sort, but I have much to say, so My communications have almost an infinite variety to them. Just consider the Table of Contents of just one of your volumes. Truth.

It is rather easy to find yourself in the “out of practice” state. It may be a natural happening such as with ice-skating… through the Spring, Summer, and Fall there is just no opportunity to do this which can be practiced only under special circumstances.

Another cause may be busyness with other matters. Keeping in practice with a number of skills and interests may leave little time to keep others current. When those put aside are needed, you may feel “out of practice.”

Or you may become consciously tired of some activity and, in effect, decide to become, even remain, “out of practice”. Some of such decisions are wise, and some less so. Consider this in yourself. It certainly is time for you to do some professional writing. You are “out of practice” in this matter fairly decidedly. You have several choices. Despite the other “assignments” from Me… your Christmas letter and the next Ruminations… it is important that you not become “out of practice” with writing for your profession.

Later this week you shall experience just a bit of that “out of practice” feeling with your new classes. After 32 years of practice (in this life) you shall regain the mastery feeling quickly, but honor the experience of “being away” just a bit too long.

As you are experiencing here, the remedy for being “out of practice” is to move yourself back into the activity with purpose. You certainly have no intention of losing this contact with Me. Your song commences, “It’s a strange thing We do ‘most every day…”, and that should be your goal. All teachings are not meant to be used for teaching others. Some are just for you alone, some of these being informational and others primarily motivational. Just accept them as they come. If you remain “in practice” there will be more of those you can and should share. Let that be an enticement to regularity.

JAN. 17, 1982, 4:59 AM

Yes, o son, you are “out of practice” in hearing My words in this early morning hour. You sit and feel like a novice, not quite sure what to do when a title does not appear. The answer to such a dilemma is rather simple: start in again, with as practical a theme as this, and regain the competence in writing these words of Mine that your books reflect. You have been “away”, and as you have been reading over some of the previous teachings you knew that it was . . .

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