Outside Of Your Experience

TUES., MAY 29, 1990, 5:50 AM

Discomfort was yours to experience last evening as the conversation focused on evil spirits and attempts to drive them out of people whose lives they are affecting. You respect the integrity of Mabel and Wilma Ruth, so you can’t disbelieve the reality of what they describe. Yet you have had no experiences like unto these, and you’re not sure how to fit these into the positive theology I continue to urge on you. You knew I could and would help you in this understanding if you awoke in time this morning. I don’t need much of an invitation. You know that by now, o son of Mine.

Basically and finally, I have not lost any control of this realm called earth. I have given away no power, nor has any been taken from Me. The fundamental Scripture for you is “The earth is the Lord’s, the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein.” There are variations of this that I have allowed to be in Scripture in order to be of help to some Christians. I allow, even urge, some of My servants to focus on Scriptures that tell of satan and evil spirits inhabiting this earth and people herein. Thus, there is a continuing great battle between these satanic powers and the power of Jesus for people’s lives and health. Now why do I do this?

You know the fundamental answer, for it is one I have reiterated in a great variety of ways. The purpose of life is spiritual growth, and there are many ways to encourage this. Evil spirits and satanic forces are one effective way to bring and hold some souls to My Christian way.

Hear an analogy that is rather close. I allow infection and disease to exist in the earth. This makes for much suffering and even death. Rarely do I directly cause such conditions in persons, but, of course, I can never be limited in what I may do, in special circumstances. I have created many forms of life, and the creation process is never completely over. The basic order of life is homeostasis and a gentle living together, but this must be balanced by some competition. Humans kill animals and insects. Tiny organisms kill humans, daily here in the earth.

It is not in your direct experience to know of people sick and dying of infectious diseases. The spiritual analog is evil spirits that challenge the Christ spirit which is in each person, ready to be nurtured and developed. The struggle that goes on between spirits is a part of earth life that is a challenge to growth, just as the microbial challenge is evident. You have never, in your memory, had an infection that threatened you, even as you are told that you have had such as a young human. Perhaps you never will… or perhaps you shall have such an infection that will require powerful drugs and hospitalization for recovery, your own resources being insufficient.

In like fashion, perhaps you shall continue to experience life in a positive way, not encountering competing spirits in any direct way. Or perhaps you shall experience the reality of this spiritual struggle of which I speak today. You need not expect this, any more than physical infection or disease, but just know of its reality. There are an infinite number of ways in which I urge spiritual growth. This of which I speak is one. Some young people learn best by being threatened with some punishment. This is not a part of your teaching style, and needn’t be, but you have to know that your positive approaches are not the best for everyone.

Likewise, the positive view of Me and of life that I have given to you is not the best for everyone. I like variety, and I have created so that there is variety, even including forms of evil. There are realms without such challenges and there are realms that seem overendowed with punishment. Some persons choose. For others I choose. Mostly it’s some combination.

TUES., MAY 29, 1990, 5:50 AM

Discomfort was yours to experience last evening as the conversation focused on evil spirits and attempts to drive them out of people whose lives they are affecting. You respect the integrity of Mabel and Wilma Ruth, so you can’t disbelieve the reality of what they describe. Yet you have had no experiences like unto these, and you’re not sure how to fit these into the positive theology I continue to urge on you. You knew I could and would help you in this understanding if you awoke in time . . .

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