
SAT., MAR. 17, 1990, 6:29 AM

The notification came yesterday that you have been selected as the outstanding teacher of the university for this year. This was unexpected, even as it was hoped for. Since I have repeatedly told you that you are above average but not outstanding (even as you would like to be) you expected a Teaching on this theme. You thanked Me, as you should have, whether I was involved with the process or not.

In general, I do not take back My previous judgment. This title does not make you outstanding. Rather, it is just a recognition, in language a bit overblown, that you are performing well in your chosen profession… the profession you chose and that was chosen for you. You know that you are not better because of this award. Yet it is an important affirmation, one I want to emphasize on this sunshiny Spring morning.

I have told you that the courses you are teaching are the best ones for you, and that you are not to seek others. I have urged you to be less concerned about the content of these courses in your teaching and increasingly focused on the spiritual, as part of the content, but mainly as a guide to how you actually teach. This means a giving of yourself in the process of each class, and using and continuing to develop approaches to learning that involve the students actively with one another.

When you do this well, as you occasionally do, I applaud this education as outstanding. I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, am little interested in whether your students, or American students in general, or learners anywhere on this planet become more proficient in mathematics, science, engineering, and some of the research in the social sciences. I see most of this learning leading away from Me and from the truly important concepts of earth life. My main interest in these scientific areas is in research and development that shall reduce the stress on the earth and its non-human life caused by selfish human aspirations. Otherwise, most of what this knowledge goes for is irrelevant or harmful to my goals for humanity. Thus, I would urge you to continue NOT to call your field health science.

I, the Holy Spirit, am concerned that education be an experience of spirit, whatever the course or the particular topic for a class. When your Death class goes to the funeral home it is not to learn the facts about the funeral business but to experience the personality and spirit of Greg. The stories he tells, with particular reference to the one about his wife dying, are more important than the facts he presents. Next time put the chairs in a circle rather than in rows and have him sit with the group. What you do, with your portion of the class, sitting and discussing Steve’s death experience, is as important as any intellectual learning, in that place. Keep it up.

Developing new or modified approaches to learning, or even going back to some method you used in earlier classes, but then gave up, is good for your spirit. You are uncomfortable with approaches that involve students with one another but not with you. Still, you recognize that these allow students to express themselves in ways they would not if you were actively involved. Yes, apply this to your class this approaching Monday.

From My perspective the wonderful thing about this award is that it was given to you as a teacher who is consciously trying to affect the spirits of learners. This would not normally be a major criterion for this award. So I am as pleased with the spirits of those who made the selection as with you, who were selected.

To the extent that you truly try to serve Me in the expression of your profession you are outstanding, even perfect. Accept this honor with humility and yet with pride. This award says that your approaches to teaching are outstanding, whether they truly are or not. Others now may emulate you who would not have otherwise done so. Yes, do consider writing a paper that might encourage such emulation… again, I say, with humility and pride, nicely balanced.

SAT., MAR. 17, 1990, 6:29 AM

The notification came yesterday that you have been selected as the outstanding teacher of the university for this year. This was unexpected, even as it was hoped for. Since I have repeatedly told you that you are above average but not outstanding (even as you would like to be) you expected a Teaching on this theme. You thanked Me, as you should have, whether I was involved with the process or not.

In general, I do not take back My previous judgment. This title does not make you outstanding. Rather, it . . .

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