Over The Rainbow

WED, MAY 29, 1991, 6:55 AM

It has been awhile, o son, since I have given you a seemingly silly title… one you don’t understand. You spoke, not too clearly, yesterday of the left and right brain concept, and, in that context, I want you to see this as a right brain Teaching. Over the rainbow… where will it lead?

First, however, let Me remind you that I prefer the contrast, if there must be one, between mind and spirit rather than hemispheres of the brain. It would be good if you presented that variation today. Spirit is a function of the brain, but it is not limited to the brain. Its traditional “home” has been the heart, and that’s symbolically better, but I’d prefer that the spirit, like the Spirit, not be limited to any one place. It is mystical, not anatomical.

The rainbow is My symbol of hope and promise. It is actually just a temporary manifestation of sunlight and minute drops of water, but it has a more spiritual, mystical meaning. It represents the specific promise that I, as Almighty God, will not destroy humankind and this earth by flooding. It also represents the greater hope and faith that I will never rain destruction upon the earth, for it… and you, are My special creations, loved, even in your unfaithfulness.

So let the rainbow represent hope. What, then, does “over the rainbow” imply? It could be uncertainty, but I proclaim it to be certainty. Over the rainbow is My outstretched hand and the certainty that spirit is the ultimate reality… and intangible being the ultimately tangible. You see few actual rainbows here, but you are now in a spiritual “place” where the actual manifestation is not necessary. You live life with both hope and assurance, and, mostly, you manifest this outwardly to others, as you should.

I led you, early in your professional life, to a land where there are many actual rainbows, and you return there often. It was the place in which you fell in love with Lenore and with teaching. You chose the right mate, as did she, and you recommitted yourself to teaching. Then you went “over the rainbow” to develop both your professional position and your competence in teaching. Beyond hope for success in what you do, you now know that your combination of approaches does produce comfortable learning, for the majority. And you need not be more successful than I.

For you, over the rainbow means that your task is primarily to encourage the growth of spirit. You use academic classes for this task, but your aim is to affect sprit more than intellect. And this means that after a class with you learners are more aware of spirit and are more certain that spirit is real… is even the ultimate reality. Thus, in a symbolic sense, your opportunity is to lead the learners you’re privileged to have over the rainbow. Facts are mostly unimportant means to wider and deeper understandings.

Each class that you commence, with whatever number of students for whatever time period, could commence in grayness, like unto this day. Wisely, you begin each with a rainbow arching overhead. The hope and the promise are there, in the faces and spirits of those in the group. Your challenge, with each class, is to take them over the rainbow. You can try to do this, but it’s mostly a mater of not trying hard. You know the “path” over the rainbow, so just lead. Some will follow. A few will resist. Another few are familiar with the path and are happy to be with you.

WED, MAY 29, 1991, 6:55 AM

It has been awhile, o son, since I have given you a seemingly silly title… one you don’t understand. You spoke, not too clearly, yesterday of the left and right brain concept, and, in that context, I want you to see this as a right brain Teaching. Over the rainbow… where will it lead?

First, however, let Me remind you that I prefer the contrast, if there must be one, between mind and spirit rather than hemispheres of the brain. It would be good if you presented that variation today . . .

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