
November 28, 1979, 9:21 AM

O son of the earth, we have picked a strange theme for the cold, windy morning.  Let’s talk first of its meaning as “overdoing”… “he went overboard” in doing something.  In My plan for the world there are some who must “go overboard”.  There must be some zealous extremists.  Such people tend not be remembered, particularly by those who would never, themselves, be so extreme.  Some have personalities that are naturally this way.  Others show forth their extremity from a much more balanced personality.  My servant Moses was almost the other extreme – after being a zealot and killing the Egyptian he went to a pleasant, quiet job of tending sheep.  From that I had to call him to be the leader of My people.  He had to be called hard to go overboard for Me.

You are not quite so difficult, and, actually, what I want you to do is not really “going overboard”.  For some it will seem so, but, mostly, it will not appear that way to you.  You will be working from developed strength.  For many you will continue to function as the straight, high-level professional.  For that increasing number with a spiritual kinship (a nice term) you will be a leader into realms uncharted – into the application of the spiritual to the professional health education field.  Oh, of course there will be a few who know of this direction of yours, and of this meditation of Ours, who will not share the truth of it… and will feel you have “gone too far overboard”.  Your Mother will be one of these.  But you could expect that.

There is another meaning for the term, however, which is more meaningful… more important.  (Pay closer attention.  Be not distracted.)  Going overboard is losing the safety of being “on board.”  It signifies the need to use your own resources rather independently or seek some flotation device to help muster the strength to get where you need to go.  In this sense there can be the implication of getting back on board after a short time overboard.  Or there is the context in which there is no more “board to be on”, and being overboard is the only way to salvation.

In truth, both are applicable for you.  I want you to be “on board” with your profession and as many of your colleagues as possible.  You must continually return to them and maintain your credibility.  When they throw you the line, grab it and return for a time.  Still, as in other things we have talked about, there is another implication that seems so different that it is contradictory.  (And I want both).  You are “overboard” from the secular, naturalistic explanation of events and conditions, and I, the Spirit, am your flotation device, o struggling son.  You are not alone, of course.  Many others are overboard with you, and, as in such an actual situation, there will be real comraderie among those who are away from the “safety” of the secular ship.  There is the sense in which this meditation that We do together carries you overboard.  Most will not understand it… nor will even try.  The more often We do it, and the more you profit from it, the more natural it will seem.  The fount of knowledge… yea, wisdom… is yours to tap daily.  Why not?  But to those who will not believe, will not try, and could not succeed if they did try, you are irretrievably overboard.

November 28, 1979, 9:21 AM

O son of the earth, we have picked a strange theme for the cold, windy morning.  Let’s talk first of its meaning as “overdoing”… “he went overboard” in doing something.  In My plan for the world there are some who must “go overboard”.  There must be some zealous extremists.  Such people tend not be remembered, particularly by those who would never, themselves, be so extreme.  Some have personalities that are naturally this way.  Others show forth their extremity from a much more balanced personality.  My servant Moses was almost the other extreme – after . . .

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