Pain, Again

MAY 18, 1981, 6:12 AM

As the rain falls and the thunder rumbles, hear, o son, as I teach once again about pain. On other mornings when I have given teachings on this theme you, usually, have been in pain, of some sort. Not so today. So listen to words about pain, when you have none.

But know that many people wake this morning into pain. Some is wracking, coursing pain. Some, like that from hunger, is dull and persistent. Your Mother shall awaken to another day of the terrible pain of depression… of not being able to decide anything and of feeling fearful and anxious about almost everything. She shall receive some relief, but the pain to her spirit shall be there still.

It certainly is a reasonable question to ask… how is the Lord God Almighty involved in all this earthly pain? I (and I speak to you for God) have much compassion, and I do remove some pain, but, importantly, the world I created has pain as a natural part of it, and I do not apologize for that. Other realms of being have no pain. Each of you in the earth has chosen, in one way or another, to be here. And one of the known conditions of the earth… known before you incarnate here… is that pain is one of the accompaniments of a life here. For a few, such as yourself, there is very little. For some, such as your sister or Wilma Ruth, the experience is almost constant. For most, life is an experience of occasional or intermittent pain.

Your Mother is a good Christian. She is not much of a personal evangelist, and her personal walk with Me is not particularly close… because she is afraid to become “too involved” with Me. To be too close would be “going off the deep end”. Too bad. The deep end is the best end. Her devotions are sincere, and her future is assured, but now she suffers the pains of semi-blindness and depression. Pains in relation to her blindness are almost entirely self induced and come from expectations that can no longer be fulfilled. She has lived a reasonably long time, and her sight is failing. Yet she still has life, and it still should be lived joyously, positively, and with expectation.

Know that anything can be a blessing, even those that seem more like curses. Blindness can bring greater appreciation of hearing, touch, and smell. Blindness brings the challenge of learning new ways, even when one is old. She has seen much in her life. She can now contemplate the mind pictures of people, places, and things past. The help that others must give is blessing to both the giver and receiver. Blindness can be painful, but it need not be.

MAY 18, 1981, 6:12 AM

As the rain falls and the thunder rumbles, hear, o son, as I teach once again about pain. On other mornings when I have given teachings on this theme you, usually, have been in pain, of some sort. Not so today. So listen to words about pain, when you have none.

But know that many people wake this morning into pain. Some is wracking, coursing pain. Some, like that from hunger, is dull and persistent. Your Mother shall awaken to another day of the terrible pain of depression… of not being . . .

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