Pain… And Life

SUN., JAN. 11, 1998, 6:01 AM

An unusual aching pain disturbed your sleep, and so, naturally!?, you are here with Me, ready for a Teaching. (It is wonderfully symbolic that, if this were a serious, life-threatening warning, you would be coming to Me for guidance… or another chat. There are priorities in earth life… and in eternal life… and there are times when you need to evidence such priorities.

This is a pain you haven’t experienced before, at least in your memory. You have had pains at other times that have prevented or interrupted sleep, and pains that were diminished by medicine. This is not a demanding pain, but it is worrisome because of its location… and the recent experience of your friend, Bart. It also is possible that I just wanted you here for an early morning experience with Counselor/Mighty God.

You haven’t yet established the new, appropriate rhythm for your life that is necessary. It seems as though there is much to do, but not enough time… and your slowness increases. I’ll remind you again: slowness is an important part of the rhythm toward which you are searching. Tasks can take more time, but, ideally, so that you can stop and appreciate the day, the evening, the task, and the very living of life as you have it.

You are disappointed… even disgusted… with yourself because of continuing “mess” in this study of Ours. You did do some cleaning up outside yesterday, but you see much more that could be done to make this place more neat and attractive. You almost have the office task completed, and that was important, and the newsletter is out, for another month. But… Our Ruminations lies unfinished, and more practical letters are coming due. You can see, now can’t you, that there are some advantages in retiring in a more abrupt and complete way.

I want you to move through this transition time and achieve the new balance that We both want for you. Oh, I do recognize the difficulties, but I want to urge you on to a more sustainable balance in life.

The essence of life, of course, is spirit, and now is that time in your earth life when you can… and should… experience this, as well as believe it to be so. Most vitally it means a closer relationship with Me, mainly through these Teachings. When you do go back and reread what you have heard Me tell you, you are pleased and sometimes amazed at the nature of what you’re privileged to know, by this means. Oh, there are other writings, and some of these can be helpful, but be selective in other materials that can take your time and attention. Your selectivity in regard to TV programs is improving. Continue to judge and then follow your judgments.

I am more your Friend than your taskmaster. This means that I am not enthusiastic about chiding you for tasks not accomplished. You know what most of these are, but it would be good to create a kind of “master list”, along with more current, short range ones. For example, I suggested, some time ago, that you should play the guitar and sing with some regularity, and not let this small talent go fallow. At least you got it out of the case yesterday. This isn’t a big priority, but one I do recommend.

I see that you’re feeling some psychic and spiritual pain… more than you should for this time in your life. I’m partly to blame, of course, so I’ll have to note that some pain is valuable in pushing you toward a better balance. Such a balance does include accomplishment of tasks and some discipline, but it also must have some time of contemplation, of “puttering”, and of frank enjoyment of the life you’re now privileged to lead. Time with Lenore is important, as well as extended time with select others, and less time in impersonal, institutional paths.

SUN., JAN. 11, 1998, 6:01 AM

An unusual aching pain disturbed your sleep, and so, naturally!?, you are here with Me, ready for a Teaching. (It is wonderfully symbolic that, if this were a serious, life-threatening warning, you would be coming to Me for guidance… or another chat. There are priorities in earth life… and in eternal life… and there are times when you need to evidence such priorities.

This is a pain you haven’t experienced before, at least in your memory. You have had pains at other times that have prevented or interrupted sleep . . .

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