Pain In The Morning

THURS., JUNE 27, 1991, 12:06 AM

Here you are, o son, deciding to use this really early morning time to hear from Me, your Holy Spirit friend. You have the physical pain in your leg which deters sleep. And now you have the additional pain of a misplaced pen, the one that is an integral part of Our liturgy. You have adapted, as you had once planned, if this loss should ever occur, and it’s the best you can do. You shall find the pen, of course, and this must encourage you to be more careful with it.

You are not coping well with your present pain, and you seek some help. You have taken all of the pain relief, in pill form, that seems reasonable, and it is not bringing relief. Hence, in wisdom, you come to Me for solace and advice. You are trying to appreciate the pain, and I commend you for this attempt. This was effective in your drive back from Ohio, and I always recommend trying it. It does not always “work”, as it hasn’t for you this night, but pain is as often a gift as it is a curse, and you should always try to determine if it can have this positive quality. In this position the pain is minimal, and its more nagging presence brought you here to encounter Me. Certainly that is a positive result, even as you are not enjoying the sleep that you need.

For the immediate future don’t try for sleep before you feel the need, for you just will be wasting time. If you are not sleepy… or are in obvious pain… or both… just get busy on the various responsibilities you now have, accomplishing until you truly need sleep. Then it shall come more easily. You said it yourself… “how do I try to sleep?” Let it come more naturally, and then sleep during the day when you feel the need. This is an adaptation that is reasonable for your present condition.

Pain is a powerful attention-getter, unless you have become familiar with regular, predictable pain. Your sister Joanne and your sister-in-law, Wilma Ruth, are familiar examples that I have reminded you of in years past of persons who live in and with regular, predictable pain. You hope you are not joining them, but this is always a possibility. I must have you recall the lesson I taught and that you learned some 10 years ago: that one possible result of this condition is persistent pain, and this could be a condition that stimulates true spiritual growth. It just is one of the possibilities, and you must accept it as such.

As you sit here you are not feeling excessive pain, and sleepiness is creeping in. In the future don’t waste time in trying for sleep, but be busy until you can feel sleep as a true potential condition. Then let it come upon you. Don’t be troubled by your lack of the desired number of consecutive hours. See it as a blessing that this pain is giving you more productive time rather than robbing you of sleep. Your mind and spirit should be able to help in this way.

This is a busier week than you anticipated. It has not been one for rest and relaxation… and your second class commences next week. You are well prepared, but it still shall be taxing. Just keep your priorities well in your consciousness and do what is necessary to maintain the best balance possible. Your presence as My servant Paul has pushed you to go in earlier than you would have, otherwise, but you are feeling it as an enjoyable spiritual experience. You do story-telling rather well, and this is a fine opportunity to be of rather dramatic service to these youngsters. You shall finish well, say I, the same Spirit Who told Paul of some happenings in the future that was his… to live in some discomfort.

THURS., JUNE 27, 1991, 12:06 AM

Here you are, o son, deciding to use this really early morning time to hear from Me, your Holy Spirit friend. You have the physical pain in your leg which deters sleep. And now you have the additional pain of a misplaced pen, the one that is an integral part of Our liturgy. You have adapted, as you had once planned, if this loss should ever occur, and it’s the best you can do. You shall find the pen, of course, and this must encourage you to be more careful . . .

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