Pain… Once Again

SAT., MAR. 9, 1996, 7:03 AM

Pain is a signal that something is wrong in the body. You know this, and you also know that the body is doing what it can to balance off the wrong and ease the pain. This is normal functioning for the normal human body. But when a body ages, it often can do this adapting less well. This means that the pain lasts longer, is less tolerable, or both.

You had discomfort that was close to pain in the “early portion” of last night, when you expected sleep. There was enough pain in your hip to postpone sleep… or make it a somewhat unpleasant experience. Then came the discomfort of your sinuses (or something), making sleep even less likely. What to do?

Wisely, you were trying to reestablish the balance in a natural way. You had taken some “cover-the-pain” drug before bed, and it was not working sufficiently. You saw it as a weakness, but you took another little green pill. Lenore supplied some non-drug therapy… her little hard pillow. These were added to your own desire to let your body balance itself and more need for sleep. All in all, it was successful, with the rest of your night being almost pain-free.

Your tolerance for pain is still relatively high, and this combines with your intellectual desire to bear a certain amount of pain without “giving in”. There is a reason for pain, and that reason is usually physical, a rebalancing, as I said. Pain also has an emotional dimension, and that can be partially controlled, but only partially.

And then, of course there is the spiritual dimension. I have told you that I, as Jesus, felt the pain of being nailed to the cross… but I had to suppress… yes, suppress… the power of My spirit, which could have negated any pain completely. Some of My reactive statements from the cross, like that involving John and My Mother, were uttered without pain, but in the midst of great pain. I needed to feel the pain, in a human body, but My spirit was strong enough to overcome any pain. So, yes, I had to suppress My spirit.

Some humans can do the same, almost. Scientifically you could credit endorphins and other peptides that your body produces to counter pain, but what controls these? I say spirit, mainly. But you also witnessed another “combination” last evening – a strong spirit, but a lower pain tolerance. Mabel, My long-time servant, is obviously losing mental capacities in her advanced years, but her spirit is still strong, as evidenced by the few messages I still send by way of her. Yet her strong spirit can’t deal well with pain, as she was experiencing in her foot.

You are not very tolerant of “weakness”, seeing it as a lack of applied spirit. You know this isn’t entirely true, and I have reinforced this more charitable, tolerant perception. You can be more accepting of pain intolerance without losing your own “standard” for yourself.

In a spiritual sense life, however it comes to you, is something to experience and from which to grow. Pain is a part of earth life, a natural part, as I have noted. The most basic strong and mild pain-killers come from plants and were discovered in My Creation, the earth. I put them there to be discovered, but they are helpful, even necessary, because I also have allowed pain. Experience pain, and let your spirit be a major “player” in the experience.

SAT., MAR. 9, 1996, 7:03 AM

Pain is a signal that something is wrong in the body. You know this, and you also know that the body is doing what it can to balance off the wrong and ease the pain. This is normal functioning for the normal human body. But when a body ages, it often can do this adapting less well. This means that the pain lasts longer, is less tolerable, or both.

You had discomfort that was close to pain in the “early portion” of last night, when you expected sleep. There was enough . . .

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