Pain, Yet Again

WED., NOV. 13, 1991, 6:31 AM

Once again, o son, you are experiencing pain that interferes with sleep. It is a strange pain, not unlike that in your leg last summer, being experienced only at night, lying down. Your experience tells you that this is something to endure, and then it will be no more. Relieve it, if need be, but don’t feel sorry for yourself.

You have had very little pain in your life, and there is some spiritual value in experiencing pain, of various sorts. Just as your slight disability now makes you more aware of those with handicaps worse than yours, so some small pains should make you more compassionate for those who have other, more debilitating pains. You were not sympathetic to Mabel’s pain as she was experiencing it on her last day here. You have not had a comparable pain, so you can’t be empathetic for that same experience, but you could let your present situation move you toward more appreciation for what she felt.

Your present pain is a nuisance. Your perception of your body’s healing capacities is that this shall not last long. You are aware that as you try to use the shoulder, to the point of pain, you possibly reinjure it or prolong the healing process. So you are possibly responsible for the pain you feel. It is part of the good philosophy of using your body rather than saving it for some theoretical time of need. Maintain your feeling for living life as fully as possible each day. That shall actually be of more benefit, totally, than being extra cautious.

You should know that, in general, you will feel more pain as your age increases, for you will not heal as readily or as rapidly. Let this knowledge generate the perspective that you have had a relatively pain-free life, so you should have no moans of “Why me, Lord?” Pain is a part of human life, and everyone should have at least a small share.

Now why would a loving Creator, such as I am as Almighty God, say what I just did, as a truth for humans in the earth? I have told you endlessly that the earth experience is a unique one for the spirit that is your essence. Some earth lives are short. Some, like your son Peter, die as a youth, still having experienced some pain. Others, like your sister Joanne and your sister-in-law, Wilma Ruth, live longer lives but in rather constant pain. Some live long, but experience painful deterioration at the end. Some of this pain is karmic – merited by previous actions… where justice prevails. Some is designed as a test of spirit, with the spirit of a person not remembering the agreement to have such pains in life. And much, of course, is just chance, the body and the earth scene being what each is.

The focus thus far has been on physical pain. Your shoulder aches, but your spirit soars, having only a few regrets about small opportunities not taken. There is, you know as a professional, emotional and spiritual pain that you have not experienced… that can be worse than the pain of a shoulder or of a leg. You heard a beautiful woman describe the pain of coming to realize that she had been sexually abused. You heard again Jerry’s story of Amy’s taking of her own life to stop the pain of sexual abuse. Thus you realize that this wonderful gift of sexual differences and attraction can bring much pleasure and can produce loving and loveable children… and it also can result in incredible pain. Again, o son, this is earth life, and the final results are good, even as specific events and specific lives seem terrible.

WED., NOV. 13, 1991, 6:31 AM

Once again, o son, you are experiencing pain that interferes with sleep. It is a strange pain, not unlike that in your leg last summer, being experienced only at night, lying down. Your experience tells you that this is something to endure, and then it will be no more. Relieve it, if need be, but don’t feel sorry for yourself.

You have had very little pain in your life, and there is some spiritual value in experiencing pain, of various sorts. Just as your slight disability now makes you more . . .

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