Pains That Persist

SAT., AUG. 19, 2000, 7:03 AM

Well, o son, you do seem to be into a time in life in which you have pains, of various sorts… that do persist. Consider, of course, that you have had relatively few times of pain, and, in one way or another, these abated… and you were “comfortable” again. You have been pleased with and proud of a life of few pains, and you have just accepted such a state as being normative for you.

Now the pains you experience are not severe, but they do seem to persist. They are now part of life… and are likely to be, as your life doth continue. So… I’ll comment first on the psychological pain that comes with not being able to remain pain free. “You’ve done it before… you can do it again!” But it is painful to have to accept that this is a new, persistent condition. To reduce or eliminate this psychic pain you must come to accept that your “norm” now is some amount and some conditions of pain. So, yes, acceptance of pain reduces the pain of aspiring to something which is no longer possible.

This cut on your right hand… a freak accident… was, initially, painless. You, wisely, refused the “invitation” to make this a medical emergency and have a stitch or two. Yet you did have some concern that the aspirin you’re taking regularly to help prevent a heart attack could… even would… interfere with (or even prevent) the clotting of blood that would start the healing process. This didn’t happen. You stopped bandaging it yesterday, and it seems to be healing nicely now, with little, to no, pain.

(But that does raise the question of whether the aspirin does prevent “life-threatening” clotting. Should you continue? You’ll have to decide… with a bit of pain.)

Through the years you’ve prided yourself on being able to get to sleep easily and persist in sleep, as long as “was necessary.” Now you’re coming to accept (with some pain) that there are times when sleep, in bed, in whatever position, is difficult, because of pain. So you “retreat” to the big rocking chair (quite a wonderful, “long-lived” present from your fine wife, in her “auction-going days”!), the pains diminish, and sleep is welcomed. You’re now coming to see this as a fairly, simple therapy, combined with a pain-relieving pill. Let such an action not be “painful”… as a “weakness.”

You wonder, occasionally, whether the pains in your chest and left arm are fore-runners of health “trouble,” but it would be more painful (it seems) to inject yourself into the medical care system and then have to decide about “procedures.” Just remember that I have promised that you shall live as long as I want you to… and I want you to live the rest of this life happily and thankfully, without medical means to prolong it. Let it be painful to go against My Will and Way!

You consider that your sister, Joanne, has lived most of her fine life in pain, some of it worse than any you’ve experienced. In contrast your life has been mostly pain-free. Now, as an elderly, you have a few. Accept these as a small price for passing three score and ten!

Yes, do what is necessary to abate pains so that you can function, positively. Give them as little attention as possible. Even consider that death could be pain-free, and that these minor aches are natural accompaniments of elderly status. I even say… enjoy them as evidence of extended earth existence.

SAT., AUG. 19, 2000, 7:03 AM

Well, o son, you do seem to be into a time in life in which you have pains, of various sorts… that do persist. Consider, of course, that you have had relatively few times of pain, and, in one way or another, these abated… and you were “comfortable” again. You have been pleased with and proud of a life of few pains, and you have just accepted such a state as being normative for you.

Now the pains you experience are not severe, but they do seem to persist. They are . . .

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