Palm Sunday, Revisited

SUN., MAR. 24, 1991, 6:12 AM

This is the Sunday which commemorates My triumphant entry into Jerusalem as Jesus, the King. As the story goes there was a spontaneous outpouring of attention. It was not organized. It just happened.

You noticed that I didn’t say that it was an out-pouring of love and respect. This was the case for a few… for my disciples and a few others who had been touched by My preaching and healing. But most of those who cleared, waved branches, and threw down articles of clothing in My path were just part of the impressionable crowd. Some who shouted Hosanna! on this day shouted Crucify Him! later in the week.

To be accurate I’d call this the “swing group”. The leaders of each were different. The leaders on this “Sunday” were generally sincere disciples or followers. They did not switch, but merely became silent. The “swing group” changed their allegiance and the message they shouted, without much conviction for either. The same is true in every age, including the present.

In your culture… at least the “part” with which you are associated… being a Christian and a church member is acceptable…even has some rewards. The group that went to Cuba was a nominal Christian group. You did not shout Hosanna! for Christ, but you associated with Cuban Christians and affirmed your faith somewhat openly. Yet at this time the culture there is not crying Crucify Him! as it once did. It was not dangerous to be a Christian in January in Cuba.

Last month you took a Walk to Emmaus and found yourself amidst a group emboldened by Hosanna! shouters. The spirit was a sincere one, and no one shouted for His crucifixion. When confronted by Mike in the midst of a Teaching from Me you told that you did have this relationship, but you did not shout Hosanna! You did not challenge the group to accept that you have this “gift” and that I offer you a few unorthodox interpretations of your common faith. You did not risk being crucified. You just joined in with the dominant spirit.

This is more of an example than criticism. I did not encourage you to “disrupt” the Emmaus experience with assertions that would be divisive. As Jesus, after My triumphal entry I could have tempered My preaching, and I certainly could have avoided the confrontation with the money changers in the temple. I could have enjoyed some popularity, but been cognizant of how My image was affecting those Jews who were threatened by My preaching and My presence.

I also was aware of those whom I have called the “swing group.” They would go the way which seemed the least threatening… even the most advantageous. If I was to be the true Messiah, they would cheer Me and say, in effect, “Count Me in.” If, however, I was to be rejected by their religious leaders (even though some of them were not highly regarded) then they would join in the call for Crucifixion! I preached a gentle message about life, but I was harsh in My criticism of the Pharisees and others I found insincere. I was revolutionary, but the wrong way.

If you shouted “All Christians must seek to destroy Godless Communism” in Cuba or “The Christian way is the Communist way” on the Emmaus walk you would have put yourself in a situation like unto Mine as Jesus. It was My time to sacrifice, so I had to alienate the Jews in power and lose the “swing group.” Many of these had a confusing week, remembering the euphoria of “Sunday” and of “Thursday” and “Friday”… and then wondering about what they heard on “Easter Sunday.” Some stayed loyal Jews. Some became evangelical Christians. Many still remained in the middle, just wanting to be on the right side, whichever it was.

SUN., MAR. 24, 1991, 6:12 AM

This is the Sunday which commemorates My triumphant entry into Jerusalem as Jesus, the King. As the story goes there was a spontaneous outpouring of attention. It was not organized. It just happened.

You noticed that I didn’t say that it was an out-pouring of love and respect. This was the case for a few… for my disciples and a few others who had been touched by My preaching and healing. But most of those who cleared, waved branches, and threw down articles of clothing in My path were . . .

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