Pass / Fail

SAT., APR. 25, 1987, 1:49 PM

Yes, o son, this is a rather common interpretations of the Christian position on life and death. It has some merits, and it is a fairly obvious answer to the question, using certain Scriptural passages. It could be that one lifetime, however long or short, with no preparation for the development of spirit, may be the course and the one test, with a grade of Pass or Fail. Let’s explore, today, some ways in which I could be and feel in carrying out this plan.

I could be a God like unto a teacher who presents an extremely difficult course, wherein the lessons are not clearly interpreted by all learners in the same way. There are many distractions from the work of the course, but the teacher is not aware of or pooh poohs these. Some come to his way of thinking and then find it less difficult. Yet it is never quite clear whether the final exam will be on beliefs and commitment to the teacher or on the practice of what has been learned… some of both or all of both. At the end a few pass, and most fail… and have no further chance to learn again.

I could be a God committed entirely to the truth that many are called but few are chosen… that it is a narrow path and a narrow gate, and only a few find it, stay on it, and enter into the Kingdom. I could be satisfied only with the “cream of the crop,” feeling no regret for the many who came into the world but did not find or could not stay on the narrow path.

In an earlier Teaching I told you that I could be like the father who decreed that each child of his was to accept all of his values and live just as he assigned or they were to be turned out, never to be welcome again. There have been fathers like this, both in the Christian and Jewish traditions, and they had both successes and failures as fathers. I could be like this. (And understand that the “no more chances” refers to “after death”, not during the earth lifetime.)

Pass/Fail encompasses the Christian premise of heaven or hell. Passing implies some value accruing from success, the analog to the heavenly kingdom where those who do meet My standards go for a conscious eternity. Failing implies some punishment for poor performance, the analog to hell, a conscious eternity of suffering and pain, with no way to alter this sentence. And, yes, most seem to fail.

One less vicious alternative would be Pass/No grade. In this reality those who met My standards would pass on into heaven for a conscious eternity of bliss, while those who did not pass would go into oblivion. There would be no reward, but also no punishment. When you try and fail it is as if you hadn’t really tried at all. A nothingness. No existence and no consciousness. This would show at least a measure of mercy.

Another alternative would be Pass or try another course. If you did not find My path in your earth life I might offer you some alternative after death. This would be evidence of even more mercy.

How much mercy do I have? How concerned am I with those who are ordinary… or who appear to be “bad people” in the earth? Remember that as Jesus I talked much about ordinary people. I spent time with those who were not on the path that I had given to My people through Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and the prophets. I did not select disciples from among the religiously excellent. I chided those who were on the Scriptural path. I said to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” I could have added, “and again and again.”

SAT., APR. 25, 1987, 1:49 PM

Yes, o son, this is a rather common interpretations of the Christian position on life and death. It has some merits, and it is a fairly obvious answer to the question, using certain Scriptural passages. It could be that one lifetime, however long or short, with no preparation for the development of spirit, may be the course and the one test, with a grade of Pass or Fail. Let’s explore, today, some ways in which I could be and feel in carrying out this plan.

I could be a God . . .

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