Patience, O Son

TUES., JULY 23, 1985, 5:41 AM

Patience is a virtue that I have and that you must emulate. You have waited overlong this morning for a title, and you are not used to such need for patience. You knew you were to be here as this day commences, but there was no answer to your call for a theme. Yes, patience, o son, is what I require. For I am more than patient with you.

Impatience, of course, is a form of selfishness. You want something that you cannot have immediately, and so there is a focus on self as one deprived. Now concern for self is certainly not all bad, but the purpose must be clear: concerns for self are necessary in order that you may serve others more ably and fully and that you might be a more effective and faithful servant of Mine. So you see you can make a case for being impatient, for these Teachings do serve to improve your life and make your sonship better. Yet patience is still a desirable virtue.

Time is the other important factor in impatience. You feel the need to use time wisely, and thus it seems that sitting and waiting is not worthwhile. And yet I remind you of so many instances of time spent wastefully… Waiting on Me is never time wasted. Even as your mind is not still and patiently attuned to My call you are considering important aspects of life, rather than sleeping or reading news of violence. Even such musing is a good use of time. (And remember, I did get you up earlier than you thought, so you really have “plenty of time.”) And patience with Me is the supreme use of time. Do not begrudge a minute that you spend reaching out for My reaching out to you.

Patience comes more easily as you truly realize that I am Ultimate Reality and the Supreme Teacher. You had a task in the early summer that forced you to be a scholar… to put together the writings of many others into a meaningful form. I am giving you Teachings that far surpass most other writings. They are of much potential value, and I do call you to be patient in the use of these. Consider again your Sunday morning class. It may not be time to cease that small but good work. I do not yet tell you to do it, but do say reconsider.

The Ruminations are a means for using these Teachings of which I approve. Know that this is a major task for this month ahead. I become impatient when you do not compose and distribute this as you should. You must build this as a regular, continuing part of your life. I shall guide and you shall produce.

As you know about the lives of others you realize more fully how fine a life you have. Patience continues to be important in living this life. Be slow to judge and slow to anger. Be a Barnabas whenever the opportunity arises. Be patient with the mistakes of others, and encourage continually, particularly in relation to learning. Patiently seek My help, and know that I patiently await your seeking (even when the process seems inefficient and tedious).

TUES., JULY 23, 1985, 5:41 AM

Patience is a virtue that I have and that you must emulate. You have waited overlong this morning for a title, and you are not used to such need for patience. You knew you were to be here as this day commences, but there was no answer to your call for a theme. Yes, patience, o son, is what I require. For I am more than patient with you.

Impatience, of course, is a form of selfishness. You want something that you cannot have immediately, and so there is a focus . . .

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