Paul And Trans World

SAT., JUNE 20, 1992, 10:33 AM

Trans World planes are in front of you, and one large one has just brought you, speedily and safely, the 4,000 or so miles to this familiar ‘port. Because you were off “trans world” from Carbondale you missed the chance to portray one of your… and My… favorite “men of the Bible” – Paul, who was once Saul. Can I put these disparate themes together in a worthwhile Teaching? Try Me.

A review of the Teachings I have offered you since you left brought a mixed reaction. You accomplished a good deal of what you and I intended, but, as Paul lamented those many years ago, what you intended to do you did not do… and your “health” was not as complete as it should have been. As an evangel you fall short of the glory. Even as one who speaks easily of your faith and of your relationship with Me Paul would lament for you. You missed some opportunities, and these cannot be recaptured. Fortunately, you live under everlasting grace and in My everlasting arms.

Consider these “alternatives.” Write to your Father tomorrow, Father’s Day, and express your delight in his acceptance of these Teachings and Our Ruminations. Assure him that this acceptance shall make his movement over into a realm of spirit, whenever that shall be, an easier, happier one. Write a note to Mike when you send his Ruminations indicating your interest in his spiritual development, akin to the interest you once had in his running and hurdling abilities. Invite him to reply, if he should want to. Mark needs a note also, with assurance that you care about his spiritual maturing. Include the Ruminations because it was written in Hawaii and because of his expressed interest in the teaching/learning process.

Paul’s contribution to the Testament called New were letters to churches. You are in that tradition with your Letter, even as the format is not as his was. These other letters of encouragement are also part of Paul’s tradition, and you should be following up, not so much as atonement for sins of omission as just use of another way of meeting your “evangel challenge.” A note of appreciation to Fritz fits into this category also.

Those planes out there, from the largest to the smallest are your link, tangibly, with that state where you began your career and which you just have visited. In many ways it is a different world from that to which you shall soon return. You have made a trans world flight in time and space, but you also are doing comparably in spirit. Letters are the other trans world means, and it would be satisfying if you wrote and mailed such and then got favorable responses. Don’t build your hopes too high. Others can fail just as you do.

A letter of thanks to Bonnie for including you in her program should be written, with yet another invitation for them to visit you and Lenore. She is obviously an active Christian, but this was not the focus of your several conversations. Follow up. She is closer to “your world,” in several ways.

I did not give Paul the vision that there would be the kind of world you experience this far along in time… with many Christians (more than he could imagine) reading his letters and coming to Me because of Him and these. Instead Paul had the vision that I would come again, as Jesus resurrected, and this earth life would be finished. Was he wrong or did I change My mind? A bit of both, I say.

As I have oft told you, I do enjoy this diverse world, and the way in which My influence has become trans world. It is in the world in many Christian forms, and in others as well, including the pragmatic spiritualism of Fidel and the Cubans. And part of that message is that life itself, in human form, is another experience that can be called trans world. Your spirit moves from world to world, somewhat analogous to your traveling from Honolulu to your Farm. Different… but with some common threads.

SAT., JUNE 20, 1992, 10:33 AM

Trans World planes are in front of you, and one large one has just brought you, speedily and safely, the 4,000 or so miles to this familiar ‘port. Because you were off “trans world” from Carbondale you missed the chance to portray one of your… and My… favorite “men of the Bible” – Paul, who was once Saul. Can I put these disparate themes together in a worthwhile Teaching? Try Me.

A review of the Teachings I have offered you since you left brought a mixed reaction. You accomplished a . . .

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