Paul’s “Mixed” Theology

THURS., JULY 26, 2001, 9:10 AM

As you sit here in this familiar place, looking out over a wet, green “world,” you find yourself between this “practical” world and the “world” about which Paul wrote, nearly 2,000 years ago. It is a quiet time here, with few students and faculty, for it is several weeks until the Fall semester commences, the fifth year of your retirement. You enjoy and “profit” from this morning Bible study, it being one of the “benchmarks” of these retirement years. And you do now expect that I, Holy Spirit, will proffer you a Teaching that relates in some way to this “Paul story.”

The implication of the “mixed” in the title is that Paul was quite concerned with sin… BUT… then concluded that it was “necessary” for the grace I offered, by My death and resurrection as Jesus. As I, as the Creator God, designed and implemented this physical earth, as a home for humans, with immortal souls, I considered making it a milieu without temptations, populated by humans, who would not sin. There would be good will, love, consideration for others and the environment and virtually no selfishness and desires to “be better than others.” This could be a wonderful, happy association of humans, with love for and allegiance to Me. I would not introduce a “Rival,” who would urge them, in both direct and subtle ways, to be self-centered and competitive. Oh, there might be some sins and sinning on the fringes, but I wouldn’t allow such to be “profitable” and satisfying. Humans would live in peace and love with fellow humans, with the other forms of life, and with this physical earth.

Doesn’t this sound ideal? Why didn’t I do it this way? Paul’s answer… and he “pounds this out” quite vividly… is that sin “entered” as a rival to this projected perfection. But, if I Am the Creator, and I Am perfect and want the best for this earth, did I “create” sin… or allow it to develop? The alterative seems to be that sin just “sprang up”… “when I wasn’t looking.”

Or did I purposely decide that a competitive earth scene would be better for the development of human souls… and “created” evil, so that spiritual growth might be enhanced? Yet I also “introduced” forgiveness as a kind of alternative to justice. You could sin, but then you could ask for forgiveness, and I would grant it. You would be “washed clean” if you HONESTLY asked for forgiveness.

Now who would do such, in a culture that valued responsibility and justice? And if I do forgive, how many times? for all sins? And is it truly “easier” to honestly repent and honestly ask for forgiveness… than to take the consequences of sinful behaviors and motivations?

Why isn’t this theology accepted and loved by all humans? Why is it not accepted by many (even most) Christians? (at least middle class American Christians?)

And what about Paul’s allusion, at least, to predestination… that some of you are going to accept that I have chosen you, even before you were born, to be in a special relationship with Me (be this overt or “not so”). I tell you that I do choose… that you didn’t really have “free choice” about being in this close relationship with Me.

You remember an early “encounter,” lost in the mountains. Then, more directly, a “lost manuscript” and the beginning of these Teachings. Remember, also, that Paul was “chosen,” in an even more dramatic way, on the road to Damascus. He decided FOR Me, after I decided ON him. (I didn’t have 5 failures before someone, Paul, accepted My Call!)

THURS., JULY 26, 2001, 9:10 AM

As you sit here in this familiar place, looking out over a wet, green “world,” you find yourself between this “practical” world and the “world” about which Paul wrote, nearly 2,000 years ago. It is a quiet time here, with few students and faculty, for it is several weeks until the Fall semester commences, the fifth year of your retirement. You enjoy and “profit” from this morning Bible study, it being one of the “benchmarks” of these retirement years. And you do now expect that I, Holy Spirit . . .

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