
TUES., JAN. 8, 1991, 10:58 AM PAZ

You are in a land where peace is called paz. “My peace I give to you” is one Scriptural passage. “A time for war and a time for peace” is another. You are in a land which is now at peace, taking care of its citizens, from the youngest, whom you just saw, to the oldest. There is sufficiency now, or so it appears, and sufficiency is necessary for peace. But what of the future, when sufficiency is threatened? There is a fine leader here, but can he negotiate for sufficiency and keep the peace. Those his age remember a time of war for equality and freedom from economic domination. Some of these would not be in favor of peace at any price.

It is much easier for you to have paz. Though you are affluent by Cuban and even world standards you are not by middle-class American ones. Your paz must always be based in faith in Me and in the willingness to give of your substance to causes and people who are in need and in whom you believe. This is the basis for your paz, and you must remember this as your experiences with austerity come.

Can I help maintain paz when armies are drawn against each other and weapons are ready to be used? I can, and I have thus far. Always remember that if war should commence and that kind of paz is put aside it is not because I have insufficient power or that I have lost control. As I have told you, there is a time for war and a time for peace, and wars can teach lessons that cannot be learned if paz is constant. This seems sad and unnecessary to some who yearn for everlasting peace. Yet I must say again that the purpose of spirits being in bodies in this earth is in order that they might grow and develop. Peace and prosperity foster growth in some. War and privation bring forth growth in others… or another type of growth in each. Death of a body is of no great consequence, ultimately, to Me or to the soul within that body.

In this land a revolucion brought paz. Yet now, that paz may lead to another revolution. Some will be hurt and some benefitted, either way. It is the way earth life often goes.

In the spiritual realm I offer paz as a gift, but many there are who will not accept it. The price seems high to some, for I ask for your faithfulness, your love, and the manifestation of this in the opportunities your life presents. This trip… what you see and hear… in relation to the country and to your companeros… is a test of your paz capacity. You are among some avid activists who could disturb your paz. I tell you that they should not, and yet you must maintain paz with them, respecting their views and their perceptions about reality and the necessity for certain actions. Be at peace as you interact with various ones, but also exercise your paz in quiet communion with Me and in walks by yourself.

Know also that some who are without complete paz are, as I said, rejecting My offer. Others, however, are following a path where paz is only occasional. This is good for some spirits. Just rejoice that this is not a need of yours. Joy is easiest during a time of paz, but, again, a few experience joy in the midst of conflict, even of overt war. Remember the reality of the variety I have created.

Let this time of immersion into a different culture be a time of learning, BUT ALSO a time of appreciation, supreme, for the life you have. Before you return you shall truly yearn for the paz of your Farm, of your new classes, for your wife and your good life. This shall dilute the appreciation of all that is here, but so it should be.

Paz comes from satisfaction with life and faith in My power and wisdom in influencing what occurs, here and there in the earth. And the paz you feel increases that satisfaction and builds that faith. To him who hath shall more be given… your task is not to extol and preach such paz but to live it. Thus, if anyone asks of you how you can be in such peace you can tell them, but you needn’t take the initiative. This is My way, with you.

TUES., JAN. 8, 1991, 10:58 AM PAZ

You are in a land where peace is called paz. “My peace I give to you” is one Scriptural passage. “A time for war and a time for peace” is another. You are in a land which is now at peace, taking care of its citizens, from the youngest, whom you just saw, to the oldest. There is sufficiency now, or so it appears, and sufficiency is necessary for peace. But what of the future, when sufficiency is threatened? There is a fine leader here, but can he negotiate . . .

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