Peace In The Earth

SAT., APR. 9, 1988, 7:03 AM

Yes, o son, it is proper for you to get started on this Teaching, even though you will not finish it before you must be on your way. Your theme is peace this morning – peace in the earth. With all of the squabbling and hostility that seems to be normal, can there ever be peace? Is peace too “costly”?

First, reflect on the positive fact that there is much peace in the earth. Despite the armaments your culture produces you basically are a peaceful people. Of course you do have so much in the way of resources… would you be as peaceful if you had to do with less? Obviously, some would… and some would turn hostile. Greed and desire for “more” is certainly a cause of much conflict.

American Christians may favor strength in arms for their secular country, but are not hostile toward others because of religion. In some places, of course, war, with injuries and death, break out between Catholics and Protestants, between Jews and Moslems. This is sad, but I have told you that it is hard to stand for certain principles without becoming warlike against those with other standards. My form thus has been a cause of war in many times, and will continue to be.

7:14 AM / 12:50 PM

It is ironic, isn’t it, that spirit is a part of many war experiences. There can be a feeling of spirit in fighting for a noble cause (like freedom) or against an evil cause (like oppression). Battles can be times of sacrifice and times of great comradeship. As My people, the Jews, came into the promised land they felt an exultation of spirit, even as they were killing the local inhabitants. Mystically, spirit can be a part, even a vital part, of virtually every activity and experience… even those of war and conflict.

Yet I also tell you that spirit ultimately pushes toward harmony and balance and against the predominance of one over another. Spirit is more strongly and fully a part of peace than of conflict, even as it a factor in the latter. My standard is to be part of as much of life as each person will allow (even unacknowledged), meaning that I can often be part of conflicting pressures and opportunities.

Peace is the positive, which goes beyond the prevention of war. Fundamental to peace is an acceptance of diversity, a willingness to share with others and to accept as others share with you. Peace and love are almost synonymous, and neither insists on its own way. When two people, two communities or even two nations are at peace with one another, neither insists on its own way, but works out compromises wherein each is benefitted.

If your country were to seek peace with your present enemy, the Soviet Union, you would acknowledge and accept many commonalities. Your economic systems are different in emphasis, but there is much state planning in your country, and some free enterprise in theirs. You each have a strong family heritage… and love of sport and of music. Your notions of freedom are different, but each has freedoms and each restricts the freedom of some. The similarities should suggest a peaceful coming together, rather than excessive amount of money and resources spent on incredibly destructive armaments.

With the money, talent, and resources not squandered on arms your country could assist other peoples with development, even as they maintained their own values. A peaceful attitude would bring forth more peaceful attitudes in others, and life in the earth would be both more pleasant and more productive. To be a leader in the search for peaceful solutions and viable compromises would be a different and a desirable leadership role.

SAT., APR. 9, 1988, 7:03 AM

Yes, o son, it is proper for you to get started on this Teaching, even though you will not finish it before you must be on your way. Your theme is peace this morning – peace in the earth. With all of the squabbling and hostility that seems to be normal, can there ever be peace? Is peace too “costly”?

First, reflect on the positive fact that there is much peace in the earth. Despite the armaments your culture produces you basically are a peaceful people. Of course you do have . . .

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