Peaceful Thoughts

MON., JULY 25, 1988, 12:48 PM

Your experience in trying to identify a title for this meditation was one of racing thoughts and impressions, the result of the many stimuli that are around you this day and this week. It is a week of stimulation, and you are participating rather fully, so I see it as a natural response, that I just must overcome. So, in the midst of all of these stimuli, I offer some peaceful thoughts, o son, of Mine. Quiet yourself and hear.

One peaceful thought is that you are among Christians, most of whom have some beliefs and perceptions similar to yours. More often you are in groups where you cannot be as comfortable in expressing thoughts about God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. It should be a peaceful thought that this is a place… and there can be others like it… where you can feel rather free to be the spiritual self you are becoming.

It is stimulating to be part of the choir, but also should be peaceful to sing these marvelous anthems, even if it is only at this special time and place. You sing rather often… and I always encourage more… but this is a unique group experience. Enjoy it fully and feel it as an experience of peace.

The class from which you just have come is designed to be disturbing. It bares the problem that you face when you teach about the environment – how, practically, can changes be made that will improve the ecological balance, so set askew by more and more humans and by the technological/economic system that your culture espouses and imparts? Yet a flood of peaceful thoughts come as you think of your Farm, unproductive as it is in economic terms. You shall have some time when you return to fish, to build more soil, to plant for the cooler weather that will come with Fall. It is peaceful to think of the wonderful place that is your place to live. Think little of how long this shall be. Enjoy it now, as it is a fine part of your life.

The international problems are not solved by your example. They shall not be resolved without conflict and pain, and the resolutions will involve mostly changes, not necessarily wonderful solutions. You know that I am involved, but I have no magical solution that will bring universal happiness and peace. And you know why I say this.

It is a peaceful thought to know that you are a skillful, comfortable teacher. You have observations to share, but you have a comfortable respect for the learners and know many ways to get them involved. Be aware that you can learn from every teaching and learning experience and that next year’s teaching can be even better, even if it need not be. Continue to balance and… most importantly, to enjoy what you do in the total lives of those who learn with you.

Accept as a peaceful thought that you are part of several diverse families. This Synod School family is a new one, and it may develop or it may not. But you are part of a church family, and this is satisfying. Your own blood and marriage family is one about which you can have increasingly peaceful thoughts. It is a pleasure to have this week with Rivanna and Nessa… and to know that you will see other members of the family, young and old, this Fall. And… you have a family of graduates… your health education family, particularly those who read your Ruminations. Give little thought as to whether your influence is as much as it should be. Share, lovingly, these young people with other faculty and professionals. Do what you can, in a peaceful way, and leave any consequences to Me. Be at peace with all of these families. Remember that you can love new family members without any diminishing of love for those for whom you now care.

MON., JULY 25, 1988, 12:48 PM

Your experience in trying to identify a title for this meditation was one of racing thoughts and impressions, the result of the many stimuli that are around you this day and this week. It is a week of stimulation, and you are participating rather fully, so I see it as a natural response, that I just must overcome. So, in the midst of all of these stimuli, I offer some peaceful thoughts, o son, of Mine. Quiet yourself and hear.

One peaceful thought is that you are among Christians . . .

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