Pentecost And Babel

SAT., MAY 21, 1994,7:14 AM

It is interesting, now isn’t it, that the anniversary of My coming to you rather directly in these Teachings and Pentecost come so close together this year. Pentecost, because it is tied to Easter, which is tied to a full moon and the beginning of Spring, is always a Sunday but on variable dates. I have commented in earlier years about this way of designating Easter, that most important event in Christianity. Today I just shall say that time is an earth phenomenon, and thus is unimportant to Me, as Jesus or as the Holy Spirit. Hence it is unimportant as to what date in what month these occur each year, but they are Holy Days and hence should be on Sundays. Let that do for now.

As Jesus I symbolically conquered death on Easter. The body can be killed or can die in a variety of ways, but the spirit lives on. That was true before that actual resurrection. I just “acted it out” and made it perfectly clear. As the Holy Spirit I came, dramatically, on Pentecost, so that the message of hope and salvation could be heard more clearly, with My help. I have always been in the earth, but this was an historical, symbolic assurance that I was, and always would be.

The Babel story is another symbolic tale. It comes after the Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel stories, indicating the presence of evil here in the earth. The Noah story indicated My displeasure with the balance of good and evil (with no details given), and so I “started over.” But then Noah’s behavior in relation to Ham indicated that “the clean slate can never be really clean”… and that’s the way I wanted the earth to be.

Babel symbolizes another move toward unity and peace, and, according to the story, that bothered Me. Hence I screwed up their languages… those who were working together so well… and thus chaos and disharmony and mistrust returned to human life in the earth.

The anti-Christ story in Revelations is a futuristic account of My dissatisfaction, again, with too much harmony and brotherhood. You see, the struggle I have with this earth realm is that I do favor harmony, love, and mutual understanding and respect. But then, I remind Myself, most of My other realms can be accurately described with these terms, and I deliberately want the earth to be different. Because I know that some spirits grow best with competition and “hard times” I created the earth as a realm in which such growth can take place. But I have to keep balancing this unique evidence of My creative abilities.

Mostly I let the earth, and the humans in it, be, as it, and they, are. But I am also the sustainer of earth life, and hence I use My powers to balance, from time to time.

What could symbolize this balancing better than these two terms in today’s title? At Babel I balanced toward disharmony. At Pentecost I brought people together, with a rushing wind, tongues of fire, and the capacity to hear the salvation message loudly and clearly in their own, disparate languages.

SAT., MAY 21, 1994,7:14 AM

It is interesting, now isn’t it, that the anniversary of My coming to you rather directly in these Teachings and Pentecost come so close together this year. Pentecost, because it is tied to Easter, which is tied to a full moon and the beginning of Spring, is always a Sunday but on variable dates. I have commented in earlier years about this way of designating Easter, that most important event in Christianity. Today I just shall say that time is an earth phenomenon, and thus is unimportant to Me, as . . .

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