Pentecost… Lonely

THURS., APR. 26, 1990, 5:50 AM

Pentecost is more than a month away, but that celebration shall be part of the focus for your Spring Ruminations. Why do I, then, include the word “lonely” in the title? I have a whole Teaching to develop that, now don’t I? Even as it shall be acceptable for you to finish this later in the morning I want you to commence it in this early pre-dawn time. Hear, o son.

You know the story from the Book called Acts which symbolizes My active entrance into human life here in the earth. There still was discouragement and doubt about My mission, as Jesus. I had left a compelling message, along with remembrance of miracles and acts of mercy. ( 6:09 / 6:11) I had reappeared in at least the appearance of My body, though it was no longer bound by time and space. It was both real and ethereal, and that both impressed and confused the disciples.

The excitement and awe was fading. Had I truly been the Messiah? Could a true Messiah go to His death so meekly? From the cross I said “Father, forgive them”, but I also said “Father, why have You forsaken Me?” My body died, was buried, and then was resurrected. Then My body rose and ascended into “heaven.” Now what was left? The disciples had each other, but was that enough, without a leader?

As Jesus, I could not return again until there would be a triumphal Second Coming. Yet My Spirit, identified as Jesus, would touch people’s lives from then on. I came in spirit form to Saul and transformed him into that zealot who established churches as My Body. I came to your son Peter in that great auditorium in Oakland, and I beckoned him back to Me. That remained a powerful experience for the rest of his short life.

Yet there “had to be” a Trinity. That is a sufficient reason – “there had to be”. I, the Holy Spirit, had been functioning in the earth, working directly with people, energizing angels, and abetting spirit in its many forms. I had to be “born again,” however. I had to be recognized as an equal, functioning, holy aspect of the Triune God.

( 6:31 / 7:43 )

So My “time” came at Pentecost. I came upon that group of disciples and interested folk as wind and fire. Symbolically I swept away the residue and the waste, leaving clear, moving air. I warmed the spirits… even heated them to zeal. I caused those who spoke to speak in ways that all could understand. It was a marvelous scene, and it is one that the Church has not remembered as it should. It was My born again experience and also the birth of the Church, My continuing Body here in the earth. Wind, fire, and understanding… those are My symbols, and they should be remembered… even celebrated.

Now what about the lonely aspect? You are an earthly symbol of My situation, so you can feel as well as understand. I come to you as the Holy Spirit, and you now have volumes of Teachings that I have offered to you. You can hear Me, and you write down, with some faithfulness, what you understand. You have some number of people who receive and read your Ruminations, and you have had some number who have participated in your Sunday morning class. Yet you often feel lonely, for you suspect that many of these do not truly accept this process. Enough do to make it comfortable. But you accept this as your spiritual life role.

THURS., APR. 26, 1990, 5:50 AM

Pentecost is more than a month away, but that celebration shall be part of the focus for your Spring Ruminations. Why do I, then, include the word “lonely” in the title? I have a whole Teaching to develop that, now don’t I? Even as it shall be acceptable for you to finish this later in the morning I want you to commence it in this early pre-dawn time. Hear, o son.

You know the story from the Book called Acts which symbolizes My active entrance into human life here . . .

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