Pentecost Sunday

SUN., JUNE 4, 1995, 5:29 AM

The sun is not yet up, but you will soon see it through the canopy of leaves that are now outside of your windows. I awakened you in time for a leisurely teaching on this, “My Day”, Pentecost Sunday. This has been part of the church calendar for many years, but you have become aware of it, as a minor celebration, only recently. And this is fact: your church, and many others like it, are giving Me, the Holy Spirit, more acceptance now, as this spiritual era develops. You are in the vanguard of a movement to openly acknowledge spirit as, not only a reality, but as the dominant reality of earth life.

Your materialistic culture resists this with vigor, for the material should be strictly secondary, even in earth life. But must there be commercials for grossly expensive automobiles and for enormous fast food sandwiches in order to sponsor a TV story of angels in action here in the earth? You need such stories, but not most of the products that the commercials tout. Ah, Me… must what is good always come with a price?

You know, because of what We do together, that I am fully aware of all that is happening in the earth on this day, in this month, and in this era. The Scriptural story is still true and relevant, and the Church must hold to this as the basic Word, but it is stretching Truth to claim that Scripture is all you need for the kind of living I want in this “modern” era. The “wind that blows through you” is quite a minor gust, but it is I, speaking about this time and, even, place.

Why did I come to the bewildered disciples and cause them to begin the founding of a Church? (And this was more than “in memory of Me, as Jesus.” It was to be My active Body still in the world, but greatly “magnified”.) There was a temple and years of faithful and traditional worship and tribute to Me, Yahweh. But I, as Jesus, the Messiah, had come…and had been rejected. My body had been cruelly killed, but I was, and Am, the Messiah, and I had to live on. So I did, and there were, of necessity, more Scriptures.

It is I Who give these Scriptures life. It is I who burn them into the hearts of people in a fast paced, high tech world. As Almighty God I am everpresent and concerned about the whole of Creation and about all humans, many of whom come to Me in ways different from the Christian way. Acknowledge this, but know that you are Christian, and for you the life and teachings of Me, as the Christ Jesus, are your basic guide to living, even in this time. But you are a “mystical Christian”, of which there are few in the Presbyterian portion of My Body. You hear Me, as Holy Spirit, guiding you rather directly in this latter portion of this earth life of yours.

You have volumes of these Teachings, which are a form of “Scripture”, some more relevant to this era and culture than some of the Holy Scriptures. If there is a “place” for these, beyond their modest presentation in Our Ruminations I shall surely arrange for that. Your task is to be faithful to your calling, which is to listen, to hear, and to write…in this primitive way of paper and pen.

SUN., JUNE 4, 1995, 5:29 AM

The sun is not yet up, but you will soon see it through the canopy of leaves that are now outside of your windows. I awakened you in time for a leisurely teaching on this, “My Day”, Pentecost Sunday. This has been part of the church calendar for many years, but you have become aware of it, as a minor celebration, only recently. And this is fact: your church, and many others like it, are giving Me, the Holy Spirit, more acceptance now, as this spiritual era develops. You are in . . .

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