Pentecost, Yet Again

THURS., FEB. 20, 1992, 12:21 PM

Your final suggested goal for your church, offered, in writing at least, to the small group assembled this week, was a call for more recognition and celebration of Pentecost. This remembrance would symbolically focus on Me, the Holy Spirit, as I came into the earth specifically to help Christians. It is and is not important that I was active in the earth from its beginning and that I offer guidance and help to non-Christians (even some who have no religious feelings… the most challenging). Pentecost stands as the truth that I have a special interest in helping you Christians understand and appreciate your heritage and the Christian Scriptures.

I guide and I direct. I counsel and I demand. Because I see this earth and its human life in ways that none of you humans can I may appear to be inconsistent, even contradictory in the content and direction of My instruction to different people.

A current case in point is abortion. I lead some fervent Christian to hold to what they call a pro-life stance, valuing each embryo and fetus as if it were a full-fledged human person and calling abortion a form of murder. I lead others to see the destruction human action, even basic human living, is causing to the diverse, interrelated life forms on this planet. Thus My message through them is that abortion is just another legitimate means to reduce the increase in population. Some of these feel, as you do, that it is very unlikely that the immortal soul has entered into this only-partly-formed human. I impress upon others that children need to be nurtured, not just produced, so that abortion may be a better alternative than the birth of a child to a parent or parents who cannot or do not want to accept this responsibility. The birth of a child should not be the just punishment for irresponsible intercourse. And, finally, I imbue some Christians with the conviction that a female Child of God should be able to choose when her body, as My Temple, should and should not be “used” for child-bearing.

Am I serious? Do I truly urge all of these contradictory or certainly different interpretations of My Will… not just the best human social policy? I have had you write it… and I affirm it. Each is based upon an aspect of My nature and can be drawn from Holy Scripture, interpreted in light of present ecological and cultural conditions. Am I bothered by this? Not in the least.

A strong and recurrent message I give to you is that I seldom interfere with or change the natural circumstances of life. Generally, I let natural consequences and chance operate, even as I hear heart felt prayers for My intercession. Others hear a stronger message that I do intervene and that I frequently respond to fervent, sincere prayers for “deliverance,” of some sort.

Some devout, faithful church-Christians have to limit Me to only upholding the specific words of Scripture, even their own interpretations of this Holy writing. In this view I could never say anything that does not agree completely with selected Biblical passages. I do not so much lead them to this conviction as I simply do not counter it… for reasons of My own.

THURS., FEB. 20, 1992, 12:21 PM

Your final suggested goal for your church, offered, in writing at least, to the small group assembled this week, was a call for more recognition and celebration of Pentecost. This remembrance would symbolically focus on Me, the Holy Spirit, as I came into the earth specifically to help Christians. It is and is not important that I was active in the earth from its beginning and that I offer guidance and help to non-Christians (even some who have no religious feelings… the most challenging). Pentecost stands as the truth . . .

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