People: My Dilemma

SAT., DEC. 30, 1995, 7:17 AM

I realize that I may be overdoing this as a theme for these Teachings, but it is part of the mission I have given you, and that you have accepted. It should be part of every course that you teach, and one emphasis that I want for you is that it is My dilemma. Human action can be a factor, but I am still the sustainer of this earth scene. I can see the results of actions taken and not taken way before, and with more accuracy than can any person, any group… or even sophisticated computer programs.

Some humans are perceptive about the consequences of numbers of humans and their actions, and a few of these have some clout, but there is very little agreement on what should be done. This is a health problem, in a truly holistic sense. Some aspects of it can be prevented, and there has been some prevention, but mostly the results just have to be remedied… “treated”.

You read the current population growth figure this week. The number of humans on the Earth, My Earth, is now 100 million more than last year, with an estimated total of 5.75 billion. What these numbers mean is more than you can imagine, from your life experiences. You know, technically and statistically that you and Lenore “over-produced”, and of the three sons who have had children, each also has more than “replaced” himself.

With some help from you parents, these young men are managing with these larger families and are making good contributions to life in this culture. Of that you can be proud. Each grandchild is a unique personality. If, to achieve better balance you had to decide which 7 of them… or 5 of them, with credit to Matthew… or even 3 of them, crediting Peter… had to die, it would be very difficult to so designate. And then imagine that you would have to actually cause these deaths, at least 3 and up to 7. Which ones, and how? Do you see My dilemma?

The individual people who make up this 5.75 billion now alive are known to Me at least as well as you know your grandchildren. I see a good deal of what I consider misbehavior, but I also discern the reasons for such. Remember My affirmation that this is a perfectly imperfect world. I made it to have the consequences that you observe and realize, and I still find it good.

Yet I do see that continued growth of the human population, combined with not just the needs but with the luxurious wants they generate, will greatly harm the total web of life. So I must slow this growth, or even eliminate it, or I must accept that this most wonderful of My creations can bring about disorder, even chaos. I am responsible. Not taking action is a form of action.

As I have told you before (and it is even more true now, with your government partially shut down), this population “problem” is quite like unto your nation’s debt and deficit problem. How do you eliminate the deficit, in even 7 years (with the huge debt still in place), without some harm to those who depend on these billions of deficit dollars, directly and indirectly? Legislators realize they cannot reduce and eliminate that deficit without harming some number of citizens… their constituents. Even the present stalemate in negotiations is causing apparent harm. What to do? Those borrowed dollars are doing some good. Why not continue as you are… or even borrow some more so that more may benefit?

SAT., DEC. 30, 1995, 7:17 AM

I realize that I may be overdoing this as a theme for these Teachings, but it is part of the mission I have given you, and that you have accepted. It should be part of every course that you teach, and one emphasis that I want for you is that it is My dilemma. Human action can be a factor, but I am still the sustainer of this earth scene. I can see the results of actions taken and not taken way before, and with more accuracy than can any person . . .

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