People’s Power

MON., JAN. 7, 1991, 5:46 PM PEOPLE’S POWER

This is the earth, and I, in My totality am responsible for its creation and, to some extent for its maintenance. As I use the term “earth” here, I refer to the physical orb AND all the life on it except humans. But then, when the earth was quite “liveable” I created humans, giving them capacities to sustain and to reproduce themselves. I also gave consciousness and capacities to think, reasons, feel, and analyze situations. Out of this came the power to choose and to decide. This was the first true gift of people’s power.

The Biblical story suggests that the first two human chose wrongly and therefore were expelled out of the Garden into the earth around. There is no indication of how many times they made the right decision, and that it was time to decide differently, because they had the power to do so. Nevertheless, they were in the earth and able to use powers I had given them but which were not necessary in the Garden. The exercise of power grew, and people developed.

Then came My reentrance, in your tradition, at least. I came to Abraham and asked him to use his powers of faithfulness. He responded well. I gave his people power, and sometimes they used it well, and sometimes not. There were various kings at times, with David being My favorite, as one who used his power wisely… and considered his people’s power.

When humans had gained sufficient capacity to exert power I came to the earth, as Jesus, and asked them to give this up to Me. I said I would teach them to live in gentle ways, with knowledge of power but with the will not to use it. I said I would leave, or send, the Holy Spirit (Me in another “form”) Who would be the only power they needed. My death as Jesus symbolized this: with all of the power in the world I gave Myself up to human death, but then overcame death. Power given up produces power… and it still does.

Today you heard a description of power given to a people – the power to elect leaders at various levels who will govern, with some power. It is a beautifully spiritual system in principle, and it does work when those elected resist the temptation to use their power to benefit themselves or a chosen few. Money is an important means of power, and this country now has too little for what it wants to accomplish. So leaders must decide how money can be achieved and how it should be used. This obviously shall be difficult, and some people will feel that they have been hurt by decisions made and power wielded.

You heard today another expression of power. It was to the effect that Cuba “exports sugar and love.” Sugar is a basic fuel for human action, and thus it is power. Love is the ultimate power, and you felt it in this doctor’s presentation and in his being. More later.

( 6:22 PM / 10:51 PM )

How can I comment on this theme on the basis of what you have experienced this evening? Well, first, My servant Carlos, a non-radical revolutionary, noted that there is power in a congregation – the power to keep him balanced and able to serve the diverse folks that make up a Presbyterian church even here in Cuba. The majority of the people have a gentle, almost silent, power, that is often unrecognized by those in more militant minorities. Remember that there were 12 disciples, but you mainly hear of Peter, James, and John… and Matthew. The others also had the power that I gave them, but it did not result in events that “made” Scripture.

MON., JAN. 7, 1991, 5:46 PM PEOPLE’S POWER

This is the earth, and I, in My totality am responsible for its creation and, to some extent for its maintenance. As I use the term “earth” here, I refer to the physical orb AND all the life on it except humans. But then, when the earth was quite “liveable” I created humans, giving them capacities to sustain and to reproduce themselves. I also gave consciousness and capacities to think, reasons, feel, and analyze situations. Out of this came the power to choose and to decide. This . . .

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