Perfect… And Less Than

FRI., JUNE 4, 1993, 6:05 AM

As Jesus, I led a perfect life. What I did and what I said was perfect, for I, even then, was One with the Father – Myself as Almighty God. The stories and parables I told were perfect and have as much relevance today as they did then. There is no need to apply human standards, even high ones, to Jesus life. I was perfect… by definition. You accept this on faith.

You could question this perfection, and, as you read these papers from your present class you are aware that some of those they try to teach are not only seeing My Way as imperfect but are seeing it as no way at all. You realize, yet again, that as you read some of these accounts you can see how this perfect way can be rejected as imperfect. Conversely, you read of a grandmother, perhaps your age, who rejects any alternative to or variation of My Way. There’s not even a consideration of some of what I’ve taught you of reality.

Thus, what you have learned from Me must be “false doctrine” OR perfection is speaking differently to different persons and groups. By definition your life is perfect, for it is a creation of Mine. You are not absolutely true to Me, but you are as true as you can be… and I call that perfection. You are perfect as you are, and yet I call on you to come closer to Me.

Holy Scripture is perfect, for it is the Word, just as I am the Word. Even now, however, translations continue to change some of the words, making the passages “more perfect” for your time and culture. Each Gospel is perfect, but, as you were going to say last Sunday, with only John there would be no Christmas, no birth story, nor would there be Holy Communion. But with only Luke there would be no indication that I, as Jesus, would send the Holy Spirit, even as Luke knew this. Therefore, what of the reality of My words and actions are left out or have been taken out of these Gospels?

Is what I offer to you as these Teachings a perfect complement to the original Scriptures? Or are these only perfect for you?… or for a few others? Is My Roman Catholic Church the One, True Church, to which all should adhere? Believe, instead, that My Perfect Body, is perfect because of its apparently imperfect churches and denominations. Imperfect becomes perfect in a joining together that is not realistically evident. It is a mystical union which you, as a product of your culture, can accept only on faith, putting aside any need for proof.

I tell you that your life is perfect, by definition. This is a challenge to the imperfections that are evident. Your children do not appear to be perfect, even as I could say the same to each of them. Each struggles in a different way, and yet some of those struggles, which are part of perfection, lead away from My perfection.

This day, with the weather predicted and which is now evident, will not appear to be the prefect one for an ending of this good class. And yet it must be perfect if I allow or cause it, and if it is a part of your perfect life. How far can you let this premise go? What variety of misfortunes is perfect for you? If you work to change some condition is this part of your perfection, but is it also changing what was perfect for you?

FRI., JUNE 4, 1993, 6:05 AM

As Jesus, I led a perfect life. What I did and what I said was perfect, for I, even then, was One with the Father – Myself as Almighty God. The stories and parables I told were perfect and have as much relevance today as they did then. There is no need to apply human standards, even high ones, to Jesus life. I was perfect… by definition. You accept this on faith.

You could question this perfection, and, as you read these papers from your present class you are aware that some . . .

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