
October 9, 1979, 5:30 AM

My mind rolls and spins this morning, focusing on TV programs, bits of minutia, songs, scenes… So I shall do what I was once advised: start writing just as if the Spirit were guiding.  The results will not be comparable, but at least I shall show that I am ready to respond.

(This 1st paragraph was written by Bob Russell before the Spirit takes the pen)

All right, o son, I am here.  The theme shall develop as We go along for I have much to say today (you are skeptical, at this point, for you have no sense of a message.  Yes, this is another kind of test, where you are not given any clues as to what the “lesson” will contain.  You write almost word for word as it comes.  In some ways this is frustrating, and I feel your discouragement and readiness to quit.  You cannot always have it flow easily.  There must be changes so that you appreciate the rhythm of Me.)

Yes, consider Me, the Spirit, as rhythm.  I know you can conceive of this without great difficulty, but you are skeptical of success in telling it to your colleagues.  It sounds too Eastern… too strange.  This is your challenge, and this is why I picked you.  You must remain rather straight and orthodox, and from this “solid” base convey the concept of Me as rhythm, life as rhythm, and, importantly, health as rhythm.  I can give you some help, but you are to use your own professional expertise in developing the form of communication.

In one sense you are uncomfortable with this, but in another you know you are capable.  This just isn’t something you have done before, and your conservative nature cries out, “I don’t know how.”

First, remember, there is a wealth of spiritual presence in your students and colleagues that lies dormant.  John and Dwight were exceptions… overt Christians… irrepressible.  Many others are like unto yourself.  The spirit is flowing and surging, but they think they have been instructed to disregard this in professional matters.  You must gently but truly help them to see that this is not so… this need not be.

You drew Paul out, and you (We) set Scott on a path he would not otherwise have followed.  Now there are others.  Dave Altopp could be swayed.  Jenine is almost ready for a spiritual dimension.  Be sure you urge the development of the spiritual dimension to Kris’ study.  Remember this in relation to Rick, also.  It may be too late for Caryl’s study, but mention it when you talk to her again.

Yes, PERSIST.  Lead those whom I send to you, and help them see and be comfortable with spiritual health.  How can you be healthy if some vital hormone or body fluid is stopped?  No insulin, no thyroxin, no blood, even?  So, in like fashion, the spirit needs to flow, in amounts right for each individual.  (You never thought we would get to a third page, did you?  You have persisted fairly well.  You just have a hard time dealing with the non-ideal.)  I have not purposed that everyone be the same, and you can emphasize this point today in your Perspectives presentation.  I can use people who have little or no sense of the spiritual.  I also can use people who deny the reality of spirit.  The spiritual sense must be tested.  Yes, this is part of the rhythm.

So… persist in this position to which I have called you.  Be aware that it is a testing of your spirit, and that it is only as yours grows and becomes visible that others will come forth.  You have the capacity to develop a group of spirits that will truly infect your profession in a positive, delightful way.  PERSIST.  Be aware.  Appreciate the difficulty some will have in letting this surface as a professional facet.

Do what you do gently and with concern.  Take the opportunities that are yours and develop them as only you can.  You are a unique servant.  Know that, not with excess pride, but with a happy heart.

Persist this day.  Remember to persist.  This is not a tense forcing.  It is a gentle staying.

A unique time this morning.  You tested rather well.  Have a good day.  Call on Me at other times as it flows along.  I shall be with you.


6:35 AM