
AUG. 16, 1980, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, you heard this theme when you were still abed… and not certain you would get up and write. But I was persistent, and here you are writing. For persistence is an important part of the spiritual dimension of health.

You are experiencing the positive effects of persistence in this affair with Samantha and her calf. You and Lenore are persisting in your efforts to bring them into a mutual relationship, and it looks like it shall succeed. There shall be a few more trials, but persistence shall have saved lives.

Some persistence represents mental and emotional traits. A person can be trained, or can train himself, to be persistent in intellectual tasks, such as balancing a checkbook or finishing a dull but important book. Another person may have an emotional makeup which includes feelings that make for persistence. But most positive persistence, as it is worked out in life actions, is fundamentally of the spirit.

Yes, the key is the focus on self or others. If the persistence is for the benefit of self alone it is of the mind. But to the extent that persistence benefits others… who would lose that benefit if there were not persistence… then it is a manifestation of spirit.

It is time for you to get back to reading and studying Scripture again. In this I persist, because it shall be to your benefit. I shall say again: these meditations are valuable… a personalized set of scriptures… but full value cannot come to you until you balance them with persistent study of more lasting Scripture. In September when you turn to this Study of ours you shall begin to discern how the Scriptures describe spirit, including Me. What are the manifestations? From persistent study you shall know.

You realize now, of course, that without written goals that you, with persistence, keep, this sabbatical time can be frittered away. You and I would both be unhappy if such should occur. I shall direct you, truly, but then you must persist in what I have you do… in combination with what you have yourself do. This is a joint project, remember.

AUG. 16, 1980, 6:18 AM

Yes, o son, you heard this theme when you were still abed… and not certain you would get up and write. But I was persistent, and here you are writing. For persistence is an important part of the spiritual dimension of health.

You are experiencing the positive effects of persistence in this affair with Samantha and her calf. You and Lenore are persisting in your efforts to bring them into a mutual relationship, and it looks like it shall succeed. There shall be a few more trials, but persistence shall have . . .

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