
FRI., JUNE 1, 1984, 11:03 AM

Today, o son, you choose to combine two portions of your commitment to Me, and though your motives were mixed I do not disapprove of this combination. For what you have been reading helps to accent and enliven the perspective that I would have you hold, and now, directly after, I can add My emphases for this day and place.

You needn’t expect to feel comfortable all of the time and in all circumstances with the “additions” to your life that I have provided. Yet again I urge you to be aware of opportunities that these Teachings and your (Our) Ruminations make possible, that would not have been so if life had been just “comfortable.” You still have some memories of your “career” in track. You did have some rather exciting and pleasurable moments, but they would never have occurred if you hadn’t put in those uncomfortable afternoons of practice.

The perspective I push upon you is that the spiritual growth that you are experiencing, enhanced greatly by these times of communion with Me (a special meditation, certainly) shall be of great value (even pleasure) in this older portion of this earth life. You can see, as you reread, as you just did, that you don’t remember all that I teach you, and that if you knew the content of these volumes better you could serve Me more effectively. That is an important perspective. Don’t forget it.

As an example, stop here and read the note from Dorothy. You see, these Teachings have been a powerful force in turning her toward a different relationship with Me. It is important that she know that the ways she has been in the past have not been bad or undesirable. It simply is now a time for her to accept and develop (she and I… and you and others can all be “working at this” together) a somewhat different perspective on life. Surely, the process may… will… have its uncomfortable moments and times, but the discomfort will be greater if she is too reluctant to do what she knows she should do. Yes, a tape to her is called for.

The reconciliation with Mabel was an important incident in your Paradise visit. Of course I was there, guiding and participating, but mostly just observing this interplay of two faithful, diverse servants. However, don’t expect the future to be rosy and without conflict. I still call her to oppose some of what I give you to share. So, yes, the perspective that you have must include the strange knowledge that some of what I do in the earth seems to be counter to other works and purposes. Just know that I am the Lord of both harmony and disharmony.

As another example of this… you do not need to worry about the Farm, for it is My special place for you, no matter what might happen to it. Any type of destruction opens the way for some new con-struction. I am the Lord of “no matter what.”

I spoke of the Farm, and your spirit, mind, and emotions could take you back there in quite a real way (except for the physical). This, here, however, is your present reality… a place of warm air, breezes, the vista of Diamond Head and the blue ocean, the sight and sound of the pool. It is a place to which these words, reread in some other season, shall be able to transport you. The person of healthy spirit is never limited to the place or circumstances where the physical body dwells.

FRI., JUNE 1, 1984, 11:03 AM

Today, o son, you choose to combine two portions of your commitment to Me, and though your motives were mixed I do not disapprove of this combination. For what you have been reading helps to accent and enliven the perspective that I would have you hold, and now, directly after, I can add My emphases for this day and place.

You needn’t expect to feel comfortable all of the time and in all circumstances with the “additions” to your life that I have provided. Yet again I urge you . . .

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