
TUES., MAY 24, 1983, 1:29 PM

You are here, o son, in another unique place at an afternoon time. Your days have been busy, both before your departure and on this trip, so this time of learning has been sacrificed. When I do call, however, you do hear, and you do respond. I called you first to review most of the recent Teachings this morning, and, again, you were almost amazed at the learnings I have offered to you in the recent past. You have missed opportunities it is true, and there are still prescribed tasks left uncompleted, but the vital understanding is that I am your eternal Teacher, who reemphasizes and reiterates until you shall truly learn… and be able to impart to others… the true realities.

So, today, hear some perspectives on the life that is yours to live. Yours is certainly not a trauma-filled life. There is a stability that is pleasant, matched with variety in what you are given to do and the places where you shall interact that is close to ideal. You have enough challenges (be very cautious in using the term “problems”) to keep life interesting AND to keep you in touch with those other humans who are part of your life… personally, professionally, and both.

Yes, this is one prime perspective: life must not be without its difficulties or you shall lose your capacity to be the servant I desire that you be. My life as Jesus was not without its hard places and its challenges. And you are right in your observation that I deliberately brought some of these about, in order to fulfill My purposes as Father God. As Holy Spirit I do have difficulty getting humans, even Christians, to hear Me and to follow My leadings. When I use someone like you as a means I have some success, but it is far from howling. Should it be otherwise? Not for this earth realm.

Another perspective… I do lead you. Here you are in a vast library in which you have never been before. You were looking for a place to write… only I led you to a section of books on religion and to a book which dealt, briefly and superficially, with what We do here. Why? Merely as an example, to which I can point now, of My power to lead you. Wasn’t it just pure chance and coincidence? Did you explore any other shelves… look at any other books? Did you not feel that I was leading? Why consider a “natural” but indefinite and unsatisfactory explanation when I offer a definite, supernatural, integrative one? I can lead. I do lead. If you will be aware you shall be led in ways leading to service and to growth. I reiterate: everything you do, every situation in which you are can be a means toward spiritual growth. How much you grow depends on you. The opportunities are beyond counting.

Another perspective… the times are leading toward more acceptance of the place of spirit in life (in terms religious, partly religious, and non-religious), and you have an important role in these times. (Your role is not an absolutely necessary one… just important.) It is well that you spend some of your “musing time” in considering different possible futures, in order that what unfolds for you (or that I arrange) may not be so surprising that your effectiveness is hampered. Know that you already have many opportunities, and just a little effort here and a few modifications there will make some of these flower.

TUES., MAY 24, 1983, 1:29 PM

You are here, o son, in another unique place at an afternoon time. Your days have been busy, both before your departure and on this trip, so this time of learning has been sacrificed. When I do call, however, you do hear, and you do respond. I called you first to review most of the recent Teachings this morning, and, again, you were almost amazed at the learnings I have offered to you in the recent past. You have missed opportunities it is true, and there are still prescribed tasks left . . .

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