Perspectives On Death, Yet Again

WED., JULY 8, 1992, 6:13 AM

Yes, o son, I know you have made this presentation many times, and I have commented on it before. Still, you are in the midst of this familiar yet unique teaching opportunity, which offers Me the opportunity of guiding you, yet again, to a fuller understanding of the relationship between life and death, here in the earth.

You were not surprised that the Christian perspective was the most dominant, but it was more so than you expected. Sociologists and even clergy can write about a diminished commitment to Me, My Church, and My influence in American life, but you have another small, but consistent, piece of evidence that the young people who enroll in this class look to Me for sustenance in life and expect to be with Me as bodies die.

You emphasize rightly that this is a perspective on life as well as on death. Though there are a few genuine death-bed conversions, if one has been far from Me in life it is not easy to come close to Me in death. And yet remember that My realms are not like the earth, and some who “mess up” in earth life, like your friend Art, still come to Me, because of closeness before earth life, feeling sadness and chagrin at their foolishness in rejecting Me.

Your culture does encourage the humanistic perspective. There is no solid scientific evidence that there is a spirit and that spirit survives the death experience… or even is “liberated” by it. Yet even good humanists can discern spirit in human relationships and in interaction with other aspects of this earth scene. They just cannot believe in an after-life, and hence there is a fervent commitment to maintaining and prolonging this earth life, because there is a natural fear of “the end.” I must say, though, that the lives of some who have this perspective dominant are truly commendable, and at death I chastise them only for their unbelief and lack of faith.

The ecological look at life is both incomplete and important. With all that you dominant humans are doing to alter and mess up My interrelated web of life I am becoming more insistent on your stewardship of this unique planet, even when it means less present comfort. With each other I encourage you to have the “servant attitude,” doing for others as you would hope they would do for you. Thus human life has its rightful “top spot” only if its concern is for all of life and for the earth, and not just for itself. From My perspective it is ridiculous to waste increasingly precious resources on caskets and vaults (like unto the waste in manufacturing weapons). Bodies should be returned to the earth, either rather directly or after cremation. Once your spirit is freed from the body, it no longer is sacred, and its value is only in becoming part of the life-giving soil. So, though this perspective is held by some in opposition to Me they must “phony” the opposition somewhat, for I am increasingly sympathetic to this view of life and death.

Life after life comes from the little “window” of revelation that I have allowed to a few who have come close to death. Some have been willing to tell of consciousness continuing, of experiencing a spiritual body, of renewed relationships with some who have died, and a complete review of earth life, so that you can “see how you’ve done.” Only a relative few come back into their earth life. Most just go on, often pleased that life continue and that there are choices still.

WED., JULY 8, 1992, 6:13 AM

Yes, o son, I know you have made this presentation many times, and I have commented on it before. Still, you are in the midst of this familiar yet unique teaching opportunity, which offers Me the opportunity of guiding you, yet again, to a fuller understanding of the relationship between life and death, here in the earth.

You were not surprised that the Christian perspective was the most dominant, but it was more so than you expected. Sociologists and even clergy can write about a diminished commitment to Me, My Church . . .

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