Pete And Pearl

MON., DEC. 23, 1991, 5:30 AM

Yes, o son, you may use Teachings which deal with these two events occurring on the 7th of December as the basis for this last Ruminations of 1991. Select the material today and have it photocopied. Then replace the originals immediately, so they’re not misplaced. Try to have the writing done by the end of the year, at least. Follow the mailing of this contribution to spiritual thought with your Christmas letter, so that it is sent forth before the new semester commences. So much for detail instructions.

Your preliminary search shows that, as you suspected, nearly every year I have had something to say about Pete, his life with you, his death and how you dealt with it, and his continuing life. These can be woven into another look at the relationship between earth life and death, in the perspective I have “laid on you”… helped you developed. It shall be a good review for you, and should illicit comments from you that make for an interesting letter. You can note that it is written after Christmas, the celebration of My birth, as Jesus… My coming into life in human form… and before Easter, the remembrance of My death and resurrection to eternal, functioning life. The analogy for humans is not a perfect one, but you should suggest it, nevertheless.

Peter was a son of yours… and of Mine. Peter still is a son of yours… and of Mine. He just changed his residence and his form. It is as if he moved away from Southern Illinois and made his life in another part of the country or of the world. He doesn’t communicate with you any more as he once did, early on, but you are assured, by Me, that he is developing well, in a more spiritual realm. He continues to be aware of the life of his family on earth, and if there is anything he can do to help he shall do it. He still has a concern for Matthew, particularly in regard to his lack of active relationship with Me.

As you point out regularly in your story of Peter’s life and death, his body has now become part of the earth in his Park. Therefore a portion of his spirit lingers in that place, not in any spooky sense, but as an essence added to the cross, the Bald Nob cross, the pines, the pine needles, and the bench, making that a special place on the Farm.

You see, spirit, once freed from the body, is no longer limited by time and space. This means that it can be in two, several, innumerable “places” simultaneously. Peter’s spirit is “in” that Park of his, and he appreciates your developing it and using it in your teaching about life and death.

Fifty years ago many lives were changed by death as your World War II commenced early on a Sunday morning. The battleship Arizona is the analog to Peter’s Park, the symbol of the “resting place” for the bodies of all who perished in that attack on Pearl Harbor. The Memorial is also a beautiful spot, of a different sort that your Park, but one that helps in remembrance and that is imbued with the spirits of those it represents.

On that December 7th of 1941 you were in high school in Long Beach, with no thought of any impending relationship with Pearl Harbor and Hawaii. Though you went into the Navy your short time of active service did not take you to the Pacific and Pearl. And yet seven years later… surprise!… you were a resident and a teacher on that island, a relationship that continues to this day. You are tempted to not continue it, but I urge you to keep it active. For it is a “connection” I arranged, and from it has come your family and your sisters. An important connection, don’t you agree?!

MON., DEC. 23, 1991, 5:30 AM

Yes, o son, you may use Teachings which deal with these two events occurring on the 7th of December as the basis for this last Ruminations of 1991. Select the material today and have it photocopied. Then replace the originals immediately, so they’re not misplaced. Try to have the writing done by the end of the year, at least. Follow the mailing of this contribution to spiritual thought with your Christmas letter, so that it is sent forth before the new semester commences. So much for detail instructions.

Your preliminary . . .

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