Pete And Pearl, Yet Again

SAT., DEC. 7, 1996, 7:13 AM

This day marks 20 years since the experience of coming upon the accident that brought about the death of your fourth son, Peter. It also has been 55 years to the day that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and caused the beginning of your country’s participation in what you call World War II. Hence, you are here, not feeling well, but willing to respond to My call. As you know, I kinda like “anniversaries” (even as I am outside of time and ______ years since…).

You and Lenore talked of how difficult it is to envision Peter as almost 38 years of age. In your experience he remains not quite 18, with his once long hair cut short and a reasonably peaceful look on his young, “frozen” face. He sent the message, through his aunt Marylin, that he was freed from the life that he couldn’t live as he truly wanted to. His spirit moved on into another “world”, but he gave you several ways of remembering him. His actual birthday was January 9th, but this was his “birthday” back into the spirit world.

And isn’t it interesting that last evening you saw the embalmed and cosmetized body of Pete’s wrestling coach, Bob, who contributed so much to that burial day and to the service, memorial. He who was trying to help Peter turn his life in a better direction will be remembered and buried on this day, another rather sudden death.

Pete’s death put a bizarre ending to that first course in Death Education. Most of the class came back during Finals week to hear the story, as you told it the first time. The times you have told it since are countless, and you do have this important sense that Pete helps with your teaching of this important course. He couldn’t help much in life, but his spirit continues to be with you as that story unfolds.

His life goes well. He and I have not decided whether he should try earth again. He has some karma to counter, but earth may not be the place to do it. He is forgiven and accepted, but his spirit still feels the need to deal with the karma of life as Peter, a good name.

The remembrance of that afternoon when you were 15, on San Francisco Ave, the “day of infamy”, is dim, but still with you. It was a Sunday, in Advent, the day your country became an active factor in a world war. At 15 you weren’t ready to be a warrior (as Russ was). It would be 2 ½ years, nearly, before you could enlist and become part of your armed services… and then it was to the university for education to become an officer. You had no real chance to be a combat hero, but, also, your life was never in danger. I was guiding you even then, though not as directly as I do now.

You were finally commissioned, you did serve on shipboard for a short time, and then your schooling continued. You had a chance to play football and run track, both of which would have been unlikely if conditions were as they are now.

You wanted to coach, and so you were guided to Punahou, in Hawaii, not quite 7 years after those first bombs and torpedoes came down on the ships in Pearl. You had your coaching career there, with some wins, but you also had the beginning of classroom experience… successful then and now culminating after 48 years.

Your life is a good example of My direct guidance… of a minor sort. There are those I guide from birth (most of these being “old souls”) to important careers that serve Me well, directly and indirectly. But you… well, WW II didn’t happen just so that you could do what you did. I just guided you through it, with you still basically “in charge”.

SAT., DEC. 7, 1996, 7:13 AM

This day marks 20 years since the experience of coming upon the accident that brought about the death of your fourth son, Peter. It also has been 55 years to the day that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and caused the beginning of your country’s participation in what you call World War II. Hence, you are here, not feeling well, but willing to respond to My call. As you know, I kinda like “anniversaries” (even as I am outside of time and ______ years since…).

You and Lenore talked of . . .

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