Peter As Theologian

WED., SEPT. 13, 2000, 8:39 AM

You had a son named Peter, who had a good childhood (even with 3 older brothers), a rocky teenage, and a sudden death at 17. You’ll never know, in this earth life, as Pete’s Dad, to what extent he intended and contributed to this fatal car crash. But as you move on out of this life you’ll have some answers available. Peter had a powerful encounter with Me, as the Christ, but he wasn’t really able to change his life-style to include this. He’s sorry about this, but he also accepts “who he was” at that time. It was hard for him to “integrate” Me into a compelling, somewhat compulsive adolescence.

Now your morning group (shifting meeting days) is considering the first Epistle of Peter, one “older” than your Pete. He puts forth a theology that was at least one basis for Calvinism or pre-Presbyterian. He attests that he was chosen and that he was “destined” to accept the election. He writes to early Jewish Christians, counseling them to accept the suffering that will come because they are Christians, assuring them that such humble suffering will bring about great reward, in continuing spiritual life.

Part of such “advice,” of course, came from his belief and affirmation that those were the “end times” and that human history would soon be “wrapped up.” He obviously was wrong about My intentions as Almighty God, for you… and the nearly 2,000 years of human history since his Epistle. You realize that there have been prophesies ( 9:12 / 9:17 ) of the end of time and earth life all through the ages. Even though none of these has “come true” they do encourage focus on spirit, particularly if there is some moderate to major belief in and emphasis on Sin.

You note that while the early part of the Letter was full of fairly gentle advice, urging the converts to be humble, there was a “burst” near the end about Satan… and his power to “tear us apart.”

You have not been able to comfortably reconcile such a roaring, powerful Satan with My affirmation to you that I Am in charge of this earth scene. Satan must be a “creation” of Mine and must be controllable by Me… and useful to Me. So there is evil in the earth, but much of it suits My purposes. It is a means for the growth and maturation of spirit.

The most vivid example of the “mixture” of good and evil in the earth today (not a factor to be addressed in the time of these original Scriptures) is the human population. It is excessive, in many places, and sheer numbers become destructive of the wonderful web of life that I have created. Further, some portions of “it” have developed technologies, including weapons, that also pose both short and long term threats to human life and the ecosystems that support such life.

Now, of course, it could be interpreted that such “technological progress” could bring about the “end times,” with the prospect that… well, in Peter’s perspective most human spirits would not “be saved”… only a righteous few. The threats that I refer to now were just not relevant in those Biblical years.

You, personally, are coming to recognize and appreciate these present “years” of yours as “end times.” You don’t know how much time you still have as a “well-functioning” human. You realize you should be clear about insurance that you have, about “rights” to all the money and property that will be “left.” (Some of your earlier concerns are muted, now that your Folks’ estate has been settled, with you having more money and stocks than you ever dreamed of.)

And, of course, you should be sure that your “plans” for your dead body are official and known by survivors.

Peter is assuring these new Christians, as I assure you, that life continues, after bodily death, in new but not specified ways. I say that there will be advice… and choices. You are on your way to reunion with Me, but not until your spirit matures in some needed ways.

WED., SEPT. 13, 2000, 8:39 AM

You had a son named Peter, who had a good childhood (even with 3 older brothers), a rocky teenage, and a sudden death at 17. You’ll never know, in this earth life, as Pete’s Dad, to what extent he intended and contributed to this fatal car crash. But as you move on out of this life you’ll have some answers available. Peter had a powerful encounter with Me, as the Christ, but he wasn’t really able to change his life-style to include this. He’s sorry . . .

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