Physical Action

SUN., AUG. 12, 1984, 6:12 AM

The essence of life is spirit. I have told you this many times in many ways. But the life you now lead is one here in the earth, a physical realm. You and others have physical bodies, which require physical food. There are concerns about physical threats, which can cause physical harm and ultimately, physical death. So let Us consider this physical realm more closely as you see the first evidences of the physical sun on this cool summer morn.

I have told you a number of times that this physical earth plane is both unique and important for the development of that essence of life, the spirit… and development of spirit is what existence/life is “about”. I demonstrated this most dramatically by coming to life in human, physical form, by performing miracles that showed My power over the physical realm, by suffering physically and dying a painful physical death… and then returning in human form to show that life continues on beyond physical death.

Yes, I experienced this physical realm and this gave Me an appreciation I knew that I could not have without the actual experience. Through your studies and your teaching (another form of learning) you know much about childbirth. You have seen films of birth, and you have seen two actual births, up close. But you have not and you cannot experience actually giving birth, so your knowledge, however exact and however replete with vicarious experience, can never be quite complete. I decided not to be a “male obstetrician God”; I was born, as Jesus, and lived a life of physical action.

Your life is one of continuing action in the physical realm, which you enjoy, and you wonder how you shall react when this realm is limited, by age and by disability. You watched, with joy, the running of the Olympic relay and the final volleyball triumph, physical action that it has been your pleasure to experience. There was an appreciation of these, which have been enjoyed, and also for other action that you have experienced… boxing and swimming… that you have not had enjoyed. You realize your limitations in volleyball, as compared to this championship play, but you have, as part of your being, the pleasure of these recent “summer games” on your own court, and you wish to play some more, whatever your limitations… however your play falls short of the excellence you have witnessed. (In the mental realm, you have been aware, sometimes painfully, of your inadequacies, but you have persisted well in developing and using what you have. You are in the right field, the right specialty areas, and the right place for this.)

SUN., AUG. 12, 1984, 6:12 AM

The essence of life is spirit. I have told you this many times in many ways. But the life you now lead is one here in the earth, a physical realm. You and others have physical bodies, which require physical food. There are concerns about physical threats, which can cause physical harm and ultimately, physical death. So let Us consider this physical realm more closely as you see the first evidences of the physical sun on this cool summer morn.

I have told you a number of times that this physical . . .

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