
SAT., MAR. 2, 1985, 7:23 AM

Hear, o son, as I talk with you about planning, an important feature of middle class American life. You foresee a positive future, and planning seems quite appropriate to make it as good as possible. I have told you that your earth life is not completely determined and that what you decide to do can make a difference in the nature of your life. I also have told you that you are part of My “plan” here in the earth, so I do influence your planning, your actions, and, yes, your life.

You had not planned to be up this morning receiving this Teaching. Your presence here… how much of it is from your initiative and how much from Mine? There is no way, of course, that you can determine this, and I have suggested that you just assume that I have a part in everything. It is better to assume My presence and influence than to consider that I come in only with very special invitations.

My major statement about planning, then, is that My Will and My plan are an unknown factor (to you), so… plans you make can never be truly complete. You cannot know My will for you in any ways other than the very broad and general… unless I tell you what I would have you do and be. This is not meant to make life confusing… just more interesting. Remember the basic premise I gave you early in Our active relationship, in conjunction with your dysfunctional back and leg – whatever happens is a means to spiritual growth. There is nothing that could happen to you, as a result of planning or not, from which spiritual growth could not come forth. That is a fundamental principle of life.

You plan to review your plan for the future that is evolving. I approve of this, but I shall not tell you exactly what you should do in relation to houses, properties, and such. Just keep in mind that I want you to keep serving Me in ways that I suggest, and I would not want financial responsibilities interfering with the service I want from you.

Just as you must continue to see your teaching and your writing as a special kind of ministry, so Lenore must continue to see what she does with houses and tenants as a kind of ministry. She is affecting people’s lives, even if only for a short portion, and that effect should be as positive and as loving as possible. That takes some planning as well as just reacting to circumstances.

8:15 AM / 8:38

That which just occurred was not part of the “plan” of this morning, so it illustrates My secondary theme… whatever it is yours to do, do it with love, with dedication, and “as if you were doing it unto (or with) Me.” It is good to make plans for the way time and effort will be expended, but it also is good just to react, with spirit, to unplanned events.

You have many plans for this day. It will be a fine day if many of these are carried out, but equally fine if unplanned events intervene. You see, don’t you, that when your hand is in Mine, each day each moment has a special, loving quality to it. All you have to do is recognize and acknowledge this. You are not yet spiritually advanced enough to appreciate this moment by moment, but know, also, that it is in so appreciating that the spirit grows.

SAT., MAR. 2, 1985, 7:23 AM

Hear, o son, as I talk with you about planning, an important feature of middle class American life. You foresee a positive future, and planning seems quite appropriate to make it as good as possible. I have told you that your earth life is not completely determined and that what you decide to do can make a difference in the nature of your life. I also have told you that you are part of My “plan” here in the earth, so I do influence your planning, your actions, and, yes, your . . .

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