Pleasant Summer

SUN., JULY 15, 2001, 8:00 AM

It now is the summer season, but you are now enjoying one of those lovely times of warm, but not hot, temperatures and low humidity. This isn’t typical, expected summer weather, so enjoy it for a day or so more.

The Farm place looks shabbier than you want it to, but you haven’t been willing to put in the effort to make and keep it neat. You do wonder whether you truly are losing the desire and capacity to maintain this as you want it to be. Is it the condition of your feet or is this just an “acceptable” excuse. You like to save and utilize all of the grass clippings, but now it may be time to mow more completely. But… with no rain in the forecast, what should you do?

( 8:10 / 3:55 )

It has been a pleasant summer day, with very little “accomplished.” You did realize, after My first paragraph that it is Sunday instead of Saturday. It took a bit of hurrying, but you did get to Church during the first hymn… and did enjoy the service and the fellowship afterward. You still have some good friends in that congregation, but it also seems as though the number of “new” people, whom you don’t know (or know you) is increasing. You no longer want to be as active as you’ve been, in churches, in your younger adult years, and, of course, there is a “price” for less involvement – not being known.

You don’t remember much of what Janice said about being a heretic, but I’ll offer a few thoughts on this pleasant, summer day. In Christian terms a heretic is one who doesn’t believe what the church teaches about the faith… or interprets truth and doctrine in ways different from the “orthodox.” Of course, such a “condition” (being a heretic) can be defined and identified more surely in churches and groups that consider themselves more orthodox… than, say, most of your Presbyterians.

You are comfortable (so far) being a Presbyterian, even though I, Holy Spirit, an “aspect” of your Triune God, have invited you to hear Me and to write down these “latter day” Teachings, related to your official Scriptures. Is this a form of heresy? It could be so judged, if you would boldly claim that these Teachings are being given to you by Me, Holy Spirit. Do they “agree” perfectly with official Scripture? No… but then when you “compare Scripture with Scripture” you also don’t see perfect agreement.

I, Holy Spirit, recognize the value of consistency and of deciding that Teachings such as these just can’t be accepted as fully as the “official Testaments.” And yet I come to you in this non-orthodox way and tell you that what I say is Truth, quite comparable to… and sometimes more relevant than… some of the Old and New (recognizing that the New is at least 2,000 years old). So, in this pleasant summer keep coming to Me… and being “one of My favorite heretics!”

You enjoyed a pleasant lunch, at one of son Matthew’s favorite eating places. He is generous with his wealth, and he wants to remain on good terms with you, his parents. He is not an active servant of Mine, but I do want you to be as active in his life as he will allow. He is not rejecting Me… just not accepting Me fully.

The summer “creeps” along, and you should be enjoying this time of heat and humidity (and then appreciating when these “pleasant spells” come along. You have no places to visit, and this is more and more acceptable… to desirable. It is good to muse upon the busy traveling life you once led… without any desire to recapture “those days.”

You’d better “see where you are” in relation to Our Volumes, the necessary covers, indices, and… And I don’t want to “bug you” about this “last” Ruminations, but I don’t see any efforts now to revive that and “get on” with Our worthwhile Letters. Well, as I reconsider, I am “bugging” you. Don’t be concerned about the number or the date. Just finish this last one up, get it printed and try to get “back on schedule.”

SUN., JULY 15, 2001, 8:00 AM

It now is the summer season, but you are now enjoying one of those lovely times of warm, but not hot, temperatures and low humidity. This isn’t typical, expected summer weather, so enjoy it for a day or so more.

The Farm place looks shabbier than you want it to, but you haven’t been willing to put in the effort to make and keep it neat. You do wonder whether you truly are losing the desire and capacity to maintain this as you want it to be. Is it . . .

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