Poetry… Or “Reality”?

WED., OCT. 11, 1995, 8:52 AM

The morning group, you included, have started into the study of a great old Scriptural book (whether you think so or not). There are many commentaries on this work, and Richard will certainly provide some, but you need My guidance on how to perceive and interpret what you read. I, the Holy Spirit, am ever so happy to provide this to you.

I called Isaiah to be a prophet to the kingdom of Judah, o so many years ago. Even though I knew, obviously, that some years later there would be Christians, I only gave him a small clue to this… and not a very clear and accurate one. I also knew there would be Muslims in your time and that the balance with the Jews would be different, as you read this Holy Scripture now, than when he proclaimed and prophesied in that quite different time.

Thus some of what Isaiah said as prophesy to his people should better be read now as poetry. Now I had you put “reality” in quotes in the title because there often is a reality in poetry, but not the reality of carefully remembered history or of the various sciences. Truth and reality are not exactly the same, but they are closely related. So what is the truth that these early passages of this book put forward?

One truth is that I can destroy, directly or more often, through natural and human means. I cannot be held up solely as a benevolent, gentle, non-punitive God. This is poetic Scripture that thunders the message that I can be displeased, and I can act out of that displeasure. I have the full range of emotions, and I can become angry with the motives and the actions of My created humans.

And, yes, this can be a warning to you and to your culture. Many who are in control of the various forms of power are whoring after riches, security, and even more power. Conservative Republicans, many of whom serve Me or pay Me lip service, are edging into power and want to diminish the power of government in people’s lives… mostly their own. I am no big fan of powerful government, so I am not opposed to their motives. What I look for, however, are other ways of helping the poor, the homeless, the children, the sick, and the disabled. If such are not forthcoming I could very well aid in diminishing or halting their take-over.

You notice that in the midst of a diatribe against these people I have Isaiah saying that I love them and can wash their sins away. I have both a punishing and a forgiving nature… not one or the other, but both/and. I love justice, and I also love to offer mercy. I see the ways in which your culture has, by design, turned away from Me. I see why, and I can forgive. I see why, and I may punish. Isaiah was not called to be wishy-washy, but he was a bit confused by My somewhat mixed message.

My chosen people, the Jews, cannot dominate your culture. They have been persecuted, but they also have persecuted. You are part of My Christ Covenant people, and you dominate, though not directly in My Name. Do I want this? Do I want you to worship money, influence, power, technology, and “progress”? Or is this poetic warning offered by an Old Testament prophet also a “reality” for you. Are any (or even all) of the “tragedies” featured in your current news enacted… or used… by Me?

WED., OCT. 11, 1995, 8:52 AM

The morning group, you included, have started into the study of a great old Scriptural book (whether you think so or not). There are many commentaries on this work, and Richard will certainly provide some, but you need My guidance on how to perceive and interpret what you read. I, the Holy Spirit, am ever so happy to provide this to you.

I called Isaiah to be a prophet to the kingdom of Judah, o so many years ago. Even though I knew, obviously, that some years later there would . . .

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