
SUN., JAN. 17, 1988, 6:16 AM

Last evening’s experience was one you have not had before – participation in a true presidential political rally. This is a part of your culture that is not appealing to you, but it was a worthwhile experience. And now for My comments, if you’re ready.

Let Me say first that your political thinking, meager though it is, is influenced by Me, and hence some of what I shall express this morning is consistent with ideas you already have expressed. Be not bothered by this. If you are thinking as I would have you think I am pleased to reinforce such thoughts.

I am involved in political matters only as I influence individual spirits. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican… nor even an independent. As people in one party support measures and legislation that shall bring a better balance to a region… or to the total world… I act in small, personal ways to make this happen. And yet I may be working with spirits in an opposing party who seek some other legislation, which is resisted by the original, “good” party. It is a complex matter, particularly as large sums of money are involved.

I encourage you to feel that it is immoral to have ostentatious wealth and many persons, even those working, being without shelter and sufficient food. The communist or socialist state is one answer, but these both have other flaws, as they are “lived out” by sinful people. Yet any good social system should be trying to correct its weaknesses, even as corrections also have weaknesses. Politics is the way such corrections are attempted.

As you know I tend to be big on sacrifice. You made some extra money this last Fall, and I decreed that it all should go to causes with a spiritual basis. This was a minor sacrifice, and I’m pleased that you followed through with this, faithfully. I urge this spirit in all who have means beyond that necessary for comfortable living. I am not in favor of luxuries as some must be in discomfort. Yet I recognize greed, sloth, and guile in some of the poor, and I see clearly the difficulties in enacting perfect legislation.

The Garden of Eden story tells that even as two people had everything necessary for a comfortable life they could be beguiled into wanting more. Yet it also tells that I, as Creator, directed or allowed the serpent to encourage this forbidden desire, for I was not satisfied with the static goodness of the Garden. And in this sense I enjoy the activity of politics for it is the scene in which one good is given up for another… in which those with different versions of the good vie with each other in legal combat. Your legitimate excuse for not being politically involved comes from this perception that most actions are to achieve or maintain some good, and that any good tends to come at the expense of another.

If some fundamentalist Christians are correct and events take place that bring about a heaven on earth what would the politics be? All citizens would be born again Christians, and all would be quite willing to share. Yet there would be differences and inequalities. How would these be managed? Would government be necessary, or would the eventual goal of communism be achieved, with no need for government? It is not hard for Me to imagine such a realm, for there are such, in pure spirit. But if humans remained humans, even fully committed to Me, squabbles would arise, and the preference for one good at the expense of another would be constantly arising.

SUN., JAN. 17, 1988, 6:16 AM

Last evening’s experience was one you have not had before – participation in a true presidential political rally. This is a part of your culture that is not appealing to you, but it was a worthwhile experience. And now for My comments, if you’re ready.

Let Me say first that your political thinking, meager though it is, is influenced by Me, and hence some of what I shall express this morning is consistent with ideas you already have expressed. Be not bothered by this. If you are thinking as I . . .

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